Chapter Five

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By the end of the day after a week of planning, trenches have been dealt with, there were now miners and war soldiers camping just outside of town, and the people of Rose Creek appear to be a lot more alive and celebratory than usual. There were violins being strung and people laughing echoing through the evening air, bouncing off the tavern walls. One of the loudest laughs just so happened to come from some very drunk men who were hired to protect this town.

"Where did them eggs come from?"

Jack Horne laughed the loudest, Goodnight running out of air alongside him while slapping Billy's back, who ate silently. Across the table, Matilda was hiding her laugh with her hand while chewing her food, meanwhile, Vasquez was openly laughing with a mouth full of eggs.

"The chicken's ass, you dummy." Faraday was cracking a joke as per usual, laughing like a little kid with all of the whiskey to help him while Tilda tossed some bread at him out of drunkenness.

"Did I introduce you to my wife?" Faraday asked the people sitting around the table with him while standing up, taking out the peacemaker with the white-bone handle for display, "Her name is Ethel, and I love her~!"

"Hello, Ethel. Charmed." Goodnight, being as drunk as he may be, happily obliged talking to the gun, while Billy just kept on eating beside him.

Teddy looked over his shoulder from where he sat across the room, observing the strange men and a clearly loud, drunk woman as Faraday continued, "And I consider her to be the love of my life. And she is a no-bullshitter, she's a straight shooter."

As Matilda and Vas snort out of amusement, Faraday raises his pistol and aims out of sight, while Jack tries to talk him out of it, the alcohol most likely wearing off of the older man, "All right, calm down, now. Put the gun away, son."

"Her name is Ethel. And you'll show her some goddamn respect." Faraday slurred in a slightly more serious tone, putting his favorite gun away.

"Yeah," Jack muttered, keeping a straight, almost disappointed face on while being sick of Faraday's shit.

Faraday then takes out his other pistol, a more run down and older gun, "It's Maria you can disrespect."

Goody and Vas start laughing again, while Tilda helps herself to some of Billy's food (he didn't seem to mind) and Jack frowns with tiresome eyes.

"Don't tell Ethel about Maria." Faraday joked with a heavy, out-of-breath laugh while putting his gun away.

"Wait, wait, wait," Vas tried playing off as serious while looking up at Faraday, "My Maria, cabron? Hm?"

"You have a Maria?" Faraday asked quietly, his tone had gone soft and almost sad. Goodnight and Matilda watched intently as if watching their favorite soap opera, Billy looking at Vas expectedly, waiting for the punch line.

Vasquez started to laugh, holding up three fingers full of scrambled egg scraps, "I have three Marias!"

Both him and Faraday start laughing like children, almost like they have been friends for years while Horne just scolds them.

"That's not right."

As he continues to lecture The two young men, Goodnight's mood appeared to have changed as he leans over to Billy with a haunted look, "The owl followed me here."

Billy barely looked over his shoulder before bluntly commenting, "Nothing's following you."

"I heard the voice."


"I heard the voice."

"Goody." The assassin spoke more sternly, only to be interrupted again.

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