Chapter Fourteen

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Faraday knew he needed to let Jack rest, but after being told from the last town he and his other companions stopped at that the town of La Belle was about a half of a days ride away, he had started to become antsy in his saddle if he wasn't before.

"Would you quit moving around like you have sand in your pants?" Goodnight snapped that afternoon as they began to ride through a vast forest full of fallen trees, "You're making me nervous."

"Please," Faraday grins, "I just saw you take your fifth smoke and it's not even a full day yet."

He was right. The others were starting to show nervous ticks as well. Goodnight was taking more Opium smokes than he usually would during the day, Horne was starting to hum certain gospels instead of reciting bible verses, and Billy was fucking repeating them as if talking so much was a complete norm to him let alone singing! Faraday wondered for how long Billy had been able to hide such a wonderful talent since after listening to his voice, the assassin appeared to sing quite beautifully. Either way, upon further inspection, Faraday could fully observe that he wasn't the only one hoping that their friends hadn't ridden from La Belle quite yet. 

Horne chuckles slightly at the betrayed look on Goodnight's face just as Billy's horse stopped right in front of them. Goody and Faraday had to pull back on their own reins tight enough so that their horses could stop just in time, but that only appeared to rile up the tired animals further.

"You want to give us a warning next time, cher?" Goody asked his partner as he tried getting a hold of his steed.

"Quiet," Billy muttered under his breath, only staring dead ahead while slowly reaching for his belt, "I heard other horses."

The others all but hold their breaths as their horses finally relaxed, taking the opportunity to breathe when the beasts had realized they were stopping. There was indeed movement up ahead, and before long two other men on top of horses came trudging down to meet the four other companions halfway. The first one to speak, a man with a mustache and a badge, tilted his hat to them.

"Afternoon gentlemen."

"Good afternoon, sir!" Goodnight was quick to flash a smile and briefly lift his hat from his head. Billy didn't seem interested in the law enforcement man and kept a wary eye on the man beside him, who appeared to be scrawny and possibly the same height as Billy but just as intimidating.

"Might I ask which way y'all are heading?" The man leaned forward on his saddle with a tight smile.

"To a town called La Belle, sir," Faraday turned to glare at Goodnight's honesty seeing as they don't know these men and if they were any trouble then they would just be delayed in getting to said destination. 

The man's smile fades for a moment, looking over and exchanging a glance with his traveling companion before he straightens up his back, "I'm the Sheriff of La Belle. My name is Bill McNue. This here is Mr. Ward."

"What business do you have in La Belle?" the other man, Mr. Ward, finally speaks up and only stares at Billy, who doesn't even appear to look away from him.

"My name is Goodnight Robicheaux," Goody introduces himself before pointing at his companions one by one, "This here is Joshua Faraday, Billy Rocks, and Jack Horne."

"Those are quite the celebrity names," Mr. Ward points out, "I've heard some things on some of you."

"Good things, I am sure," Goody nods, "If you've heard of us, then you've probably heard that we're not people who make trouble. Just going around, making our living while helping a few folks out."

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