Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you sure he's clear for riding?"

Faraday doesn't even consider rolling his eyes at Goodnight as he is far too excited to learn from Emma Cullen that he is finally healed up enough to head out on horseback with the others. Sure, he still has a few bandages here and there along with a bad ear, some nasty scars and a limp, but who is he to complain if he's alive? The only thing he is willing to complain about is the fact that it's been three months since the battle for Rose Creek and Tilda and the others could be anywhere by now. He's been sour towards the others the past couple of weeks all because they all couldn't heal fast enough to get on the road.

"Fortunately, yes. I don't think any of the doctors or even myself could deal with him any longer," Sheriff Cullen says while rolling her eyes.

"If you're sure..." Goody eyes her carefully, "I wouldn't be surprised if you were just saying he's okay just to get him out of your hair."

Before Goodnight could say another godforsaken word about him, Faraday practically springs out of bed and stretches, cracking his back and stressing out the almost-fully-healed bullet wounds, "Ya heard that, boys? I'm free! Come on! If we hurry, we can get to Amador City in two days instead of three!"

"Hold on there just a minute, son," Horne interrupts from a rocking chair he's been sitting in quite a bit since he was cleared from the bed, "We should probably stock up on supplies and come up with a plan before we go."

"I have a plan," Faraday frowns, "Chisolm most likely went to Amador City first to collect a bounty he earned when we first met. If we go there first, we can ask around as to where he and the others went afterward."

"And we agree with you, Faraday," Goody pitched in, his feet propped up on the arm of Emma's chair, "But we can't just leave and be expected to run on just motivation and determination. We need food and money."

"We have money," Billy sides with Faraday while commenting to Goody, "We still have winnings from our last duel in Volcano Springs."

Faraday is thankful for Rocks' opinion on the topic and also notes, "I also have winnings from my last charade in Amador City."

"You can also take the reward Chisolm refused from us," Emma reasons.

"No, Miss Emma. You need that money to continue rebuilding. We ain't going to steal from you," Horne softens.

"You ain't stealing. We were willing to pay you to kill Bogue."

"Yes, but in the end, you killed him," Goody smiles proudly at her, "So keep your money. Billy and Faraday have enough for us to get by until we find the rest of our company."

"So then it's settled?" Faraday urges, "Can we go now?"

Goodnight sighs, "Yes, I suppose we can go."

"I'll have your horses ready," Emma stands, "And have the townsfolk fix you up some meals that should last you a few weeks. We have enough blankets to spare for you to take with you on your travels. It's the least we can do since you won't take our money."

"Much obliged, Sheriff," Faraday grinned.


Before long, four horses were saddled and strapped up with plenty of food and blankets to last them a while. Faraday was beyond excited to see Jack again but was clearly confused by how tamed the stallion behaved.

"What the Hell did you do to my horse, Teddy?" He glared over at the gentleman caller, who shrugged in response.

"I fed him? I groomed him? Vasquez told me to take care of him, so I did. He really likes apples."

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