The Time

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Hehe, okay. This may be exciting or sad for you guys. Well, in the next few chapters I may be completely done with this book. In my opinion it's a long book, and it was my successful book. It's made so much progress, and for everyone reading it I love you. Too see that everyone is enjoying something I put my heart into makes me so happy. But it's the time to end. I'm completing it today. I publishing the two chapters and then I'm publishing the whole book. I'd like to thank all of you for everything. I hope you enjoyed it. :)


Your POV

I woke up from whatever happened. I'm not sure if I passed out from anxiety. Possibly. Anyways, I went to check my email. Guess what, though. I got an email from this so called bitch "Silvia."

"Jeydon!" I screamed his name. I know it's fine because Josylnn is already up from her nap. It's 2:00 p.m.

"Yes, babe?!" I hear Jeydon scream from the living room.

"I got another email from Silvia, come-" I didn't even have to finish my sentence. He heard Silvia and ran into the bedroom. I'm not sure if it's because he loves her or he's doing it for safety.

"Come on, babe, snap out of your thoughts and open the damn email," he said anxiously. God damn, I understand this is an email from our possible murder, but fuck. Give this lady a moment. I had your kid.

"Give me a damn second, Jey," I said spitting at him.

I clicked on the email and I read out loud,

"Dear Y/N and Jeydon,
I figured out you found who I am. You were correct. I am Silvia. You'll see me soon, dears. I'm coming for your precious daughter too. Maybe I should also take the love of your life, Jeydon? Is that too much to ask for? I'll have you to myself y'know. I'll think about it. Until further notice, I'll see you both later. Watch out for that ugly monkey, you may never see her again.

Love, Silvia."

This is a living nightmare. I figured she would be coming after me, but my damn daughter? No. This isn't happening. I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a scream come from beside me.

"This bitch isn't taking anybody! I love both of you with everything! I don't care if she loves me! For all I care she can go fuck Bryan!"

I look at Jeydon with total shock. He used Bryan's name!? Usually he'll call him a snake. Maybe he's too pissed for nicknames right now.

Right as I was about to open my mouth, I heard a bang. I look at Jeydon with shock, and grab Joselynn. He runs into the living room. When I get in there I see Silvia standing by a broken window.

"Oh, you damn bitch!" I yell, giving Jeydon our adorable baby. I throw myself into her. I grab the piece of glass, and put it to her throat. "You fucked up, bitch."

She sighed and smirked, "You think this is going to do something? You're acting like you're Mrs. Warrior, but you're not. I'm sorry, Y/N, but you're just a weak rat. You'll have to face the facts at some point."

I was about opened to open my mouth but then I was interrupted, "Y/N is the best human in this world. You can say what you say, but you're wrong. YOU think you're perfect for me, but you're so wrong. Y/N is perfect for me."

When I started looking back at Jeydon, I got thrown. I held my side. The pain went up my back. I slowly got up. I popped my back, so that I was more stable.

I look over to Silvia and smirk. "This happened because of you bitch." I ran to her and stabbed her throat with the glass shard. She fell back groaning, crying, and barely breathing.

"You're lucky, Y/N, but I'll see you in hell."

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