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Brad's POV

I can't stop thinking that that girl kissed me. She had no right to do that, I think I might have spoken a maximum of 10 words to her today. She definetly was a slut. Well, a slut that couldn't kiss. Especially infront of Sammie, not that I think she noticed, but I don't want her to get the wrong idea.

It takes us about 30 minutes to walk from school to the centre of Birmingham, but I have to admit it was productive. Tris nearly fell down a drain. James and Lauren admitted they were a official couple, yeah right, like we didn't already know that. 

"Table for 5 please." Lauren says, a waitress leading us to our table in the corner.

We all order our usual things and go up and pay, the food turning up about 2 minutes after our order.

"Isn't school boring eh?" Sammie asks the group.

"I think I only talked to one person today apart from you guys and that was to ask her for a glue stick. Not exactly bestfriends" Lauren says, James laughing a bit too much at her comment just to make her feel good. That's love.

"Are we walking home?" Tris asks with a mouth full of food, I don't even know he can barely make a sound, not make up a sentence. Thankfully, Tris and I have put 'the kiss' behind us, it wasn't exactly harmful to anyone after all.

"Yes, let's burn some calories" James says.

"You are such a fitness freak and then there's me sitting here scoffing my face with you eating your chicken salad." I laugh as he scowls at me, it is true though.


"Um, Brad, can I ask you something?" Sammie mentions to me at the park on the way home.

The other guys in the the playground but Sammie and I decided to stay on the field. I can't help laughing at Tris attempting to get down the child slide without getting stuck and Lauren pushing James in the baby swings.

"Brad?" Sammie says again. I forgot to reply before, oops.

"Yes, sorry I was just staring at the guys in the play park, don't you think th-"

"Brad, this is important" She cuts me off, looking at me in the eye with a death stare, she's annoyed at me, I can tell.

"Spill" I say, turning towards her.

"What's going on between you and that girl after school today, to be honest, I don't care but I just want to know if I should bother thinking about you anymore. I just want to know if you are playing some kind of game, pretending you like me or whatever. Just to let you know, some advice, don't do it to any other girl because-"

I fly forwards, smacking my lips to hers. I can tell she is surprised as she starts to let out a noise. But then she smiles, deepening the kiss. I can't deal with her thinking that. She has no idea.

"Sammie, trust me, nothing is going on. I swear, I don't even know her, I think I have spoken to her once today, saying my name. Besides, I don't even like her, I like you. Actually, I don't like you, I really really like you." 

"You-you what?" She says.

What I have I done? This is not the right time Brad.


Sammie's POV

"Actually, I don't like you, I really really like you." Brad finally says.

He has said this alot to me, but this time, it sound like he actually means it.

"You-you what?" I stutter.

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