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Brad's POV

"Bradley Simpson?" Said the voice on my phone.

"Yes, um, who is this?"

"This is the Birmingham police. Please may you make your way down to the police station, we have a few questions to ask you."

"What is this about? Wait, is it about my da-"

"Please, Bradley, save your questions for the court as what you say now could he held against you. Thank you for your time, see you shortly." The voice ended the conversation.

Court. I was going to court. Shit. This was when I realised I was shaking. Well, yeah, I had been to court before defending my mum from my dad, but never did I think I would be the one to be questioned.


"What's your name?" The ugly police station receptionist asked me. No, grunted at me.

"Bradley Simpson" I said, as calm as I could. Why was I so nervous? I can't keep my emotions in very well.

"Please take a seat, P.C Smith with be with you soon"

I landed on a grey chair in the center of the room, squeaking at my every little movement. They could at least get better chairs for God sake. I decided to text Sammie, I didn't tell her I left, I didn't want her following me. It seems selfish, but I need to keep her out of this as much as I can.

"Hey, I'm at the police station at the moment. Don't worry, they are just bringing me in to ask a few questions. Please, just unpack, I'll be back by dinner. Love you, miss you already:))xXxX"

Said my text, to be honest, no matter how many times I said to not worry, I knew she would. That's the type of person she is. Caring. Kind. Perfect.

I turned my phone off, suddenly seeing the 'no-phone-policy' signs stuck up around the room. At the same moment, I was called into a room by the policeman.


The room was no bigger than a toilet cubicle for god sake, talk about me being claustrophobic. And I was stuck in a room with a man 3 times my size asking me questions firstly about my age, weight, height, hobbies and all that irrelevant stuff which they ask to see if you are trying to hide anything, any additcions.

I remember one time when I was about 15 I was asked what I loved to do, and I replied, 'to drink'. At that time, I didn't realise how much harder my life would become.

"So, the night in Barbados?" The 90 stone man bellowed.

"Um, yes?" I knew this was why I was here.

"Can you explain all the events that happened. Infact, write them down on this piece of paper for evidence."

This would take a while. I could tell that my hand would ache after this as well.

It was now one hour later and I had finally finished. I wiped the tears off my face, why was I even crying? The policeman tore the paper off from the table and swiped it through a photocopier, producing three copies. One for the station, one for me and another in an envelope.

Now I had to leave.


Sammie's POV

"Hey, well firstly, I'm sorry you had to come home early and everything." Lauren said as I heard the door shut, Brad must have gone out.

"No it's not your fault at all! To be honest, I don't even know whose fault it is, Brad wouldn't tell me whatt happened. I suppose it's for the best." I replied.

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