EPISODE 12: Sweet Lies

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Sehun played with Kai's hair while waiting for him to wake up, "Yah. Kai. Wake up."

"Sehun, how about Baekhyun? He got drowned because of Suho-hyung." Chanyeol spoke.

"What do we do to a person who gets drowned? We do resuscitation right?" Sehun stood up and did some stretches before leaning down to Baekhyun. "I think I'm good at this." he murmured.

Watching Sehun pinch the unconscious Baekhyun's nose, Chanyeol pushed him away and said, "I'll do it."

Sehun's eyes squinted. "Fine. Do it hyung. I'll just sit here and watch you kiss."

Chanyeol then slowly opened Baekhyun's mouth and did mouth to mouth resuscitation. After few times of trial, Baekhyun woke up as if he just came back to life. There was no water that came out from his mouth but he felt like he did.

His eyes got bigger and looked around and returned his stares to Chanyeol. "Did you just..." he murmured and touched his lips.

"That's nothing. I just saved your life. It doesn't mean anything." Chanyeol blinked. Baekhyun nodded and looked down, "Aaahhh."

"I was the one who should be saving you but Chanyeol-hyung pushed me away. He told me that he wants to kiss you." Sehun lied.

Chanyeol burst into laughing, "Shut up Sehun. When did you hear me say that I want to kiss Baekhyun?" he asked.

Sehun raised his eyebrows and said, "Just now?"

Baekhyun threw them pillows, "Stop this kiss talk. We have to look for the other members." he got down on the bed while blushing.

But when he looked around everyone had a teasing look. "What's with those eyes?" Baekhyun murmured.

"That's okay Baekhyun. Actually, Chanyeol kissed us all to wake up." Suho chuckled but he's totally lying and making fun of Baekhyun.

"Is it true?" Baekhyun barked. Chanyeol and Sehun grinned.

* * *

RF-05 asked Lay to heal all their wounded minions. "I still feel incomplete." the robot sighed, "Lay, do you know a strategy where I could steal Chanyeol and Sehun's power?" he asked.

"I'll get their powers for you. Please allow me to go out and see them." Lay said blankly.

"That's what I like about you Lay. You're smart. You know your value to me." the robot laughed. "Okay. Go on. I allow you to go out from our base but let Luhan come with you."

That night, Lay knocked on EXO's territory. Suho opened it and hugged him immediately after seeing him. "Lay! I missed you so much!"

The whole group came and approached their healing unicorn. "We miss you."

"Wait. How'd you escape from the enemy's base?" Xiumin asked. Lay took a deep breath and started speaking, "The truth is..."

Lay removed the red lens from his left eye and threw it. "I did it in purpose so that I would know how do they operate their systems and especially RF-05's plans."

Suho held his hand tight and they went inside their house. "It's nice to know that you're just acting. We thought RF-05 really got you." he said.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry if I just watched you to be tortured." Lay knelt down. "Hyung, it doesn't matter anymore. At least we're all still alive and together." Kai said.

"Did everyone's power stolen?" Lay asked. "Nope. I still have mine and also Sehun." Chanyeol answered.

"Here's an idea." Lay whispered, "But I want you not to tell this to MAMA. I'm afraid he'll stop me from doing this. But remember, this is for EXO. We have to have our powers back."

They went to somewhere a little bit far away from MAMA and started their planning.

"I still have my healing powers. Right?" Lay asked and everyone nodded. "That means, only three of us have our powers. Chanyeol and Sehun, give me your power orbs."

Chanyeol and Sehun jaw dropped and gave him a blank stare. "I knew how to merge powers because I saw how RF-05 did that to your powers. So I need yours too and I'll be using myself to fight the robot. Of course together with you and your weapons." Lay explained.

Suho furrowed his brows, "Nice plan. But I hate the fact that you're gonna use yourself to fight our enemy. Why not do something equivalent rather than risking your life?"

Everyone nodded again.

"I have to. Please trust me. I know what I'm doing." Lay held Suho's hand and looked straight into his eyes.

"But hyung, if you combine your powers, what will then be the new power be like?" Kai asked. "I don't know yet. But since it's three powers combining, then it will be really powerful." Lay answered.

"The real question is.... Do you guys trust me?" Lay asked.

Chen nodded, "I trust you."
Baekhyun gave him a sad look, "I don't think it's right but I will trust you."

"So how about our dear leader?" Lay smiled. Suho bit his lower lip and thought for a second before finally giving him the authority, "Fine. Do it. I trust you Lay."

* * *

Chanyeol and Sehun followed Lay inside a cave away from the other members. "Are you ready? Don't worry this might hurt a bit but I will heal you after. Okay?"

"Chanyeol-hyung will go first." Sehun chuckled. "I think it will be nice to do it together." Lay smirked.

They lay down together and closed their eyes as Lay placed a cover on it. "This will surely hurt but I promise to heal you." he repeated.

"I trust you hyung." Sehun murmured.

Suddenly, Luhan stepped out from the darkness and controlled their bodies so they won't be able to move. Luhan has the ability to get the power orbs from the members so he successfully got theirs.

"Good job Lay! We finally got their powers." Luhan chuckled and let go of the two. "Luhan-hyung!?" Chanyeol said angrily. "What's the meaning of this Lay-hyung? You tricked us!"

"Sorry." Lay murmured and left the place together with Luhan. "Let's go Luhan."

"Yah!" Chanyeol shouted, "We trusted you! Even Suho-hyung trusted you! How could you do this to us!"

"What are we going to say to the other member hyungs?" Sehun asked. Chanyeol shook his head, "I don't know yet. I'm still in shock because of what happened just now."

They went back to their house without Lay and without their powers. "Where's Lay? Did he successfully merged your powers?" Suho asked.

Sehun and Chanyeol kept elbowing each other. "Lay-hyung... took our powers and left. He's still under the Red Force's control." Sehun explained.

"WHAT!?" the whole group exclaimed.

"Sorry. I never thought he'll do this." Chanyeol added, "I trusted him so much."

* * *

RF-05 clapped his claws. "We'll done Lay! I'm so proud to have you."

The robot placed the orbs inside him and it all merged inside his body. "Now, I will be the most powerful creature from EXOPLANET. I will kill EXO and rule the whole planet and then the universe." he laughed evilly.

Kris, Luhan, Tao, and Lay smiled.

a/n: this is the reason why this chapter is entitled "sweet lies" :]

We're close to the end.
Just 3 chapters more and boom!
I hope you will support this story til the end.

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