My first new friends

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"You are so beautiful! Why were you whispering that you are ugly!? I bet this dress will fit you the best and no one else!!"
I turned around seing a boy with a panda mask on.
"Taehyung?" I was wondering if it was him or someone else.
"Yes yes it's me but don't say my name out loud we are kind of trying to hide from crazy fans" he whispered. The others boys waved at me too. Jungkook just stared at me. Is still he mad?
"Ohh I'm sorry" I whispered back.

"I'll buy you the dress go change back"
"No! No no you don't have to!! I don't like it on my body either way I will probably never wear it!!" I exclaimed. He pushed me in the cabinet.
"Hide there fast, fans are approaching" he whispered waving at me to stay there. I changed back and looked at the dress. It was a beautiful black one with two pink flowers and with white wavy fabric contouring the dress. It had buttons and it was sleeveless:

 It had buttons and it was sleeveless:

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I sighed as I looked at the price tag.
"wHaT!?" I yelled whispering.
On the etiquette it was written Gucc¡. I don't even want to look at the price anymore. I didn't even realize I got myself in a Gucc¡ store. But no surprise because everything Taehyung wears is Gucc¡. The rest of bangtan too...
I peeked out of the cabinet and luckly there was no one in my way now.
I wanted to hide, put the dress back at it's place and run away from this store. But unfortunatly I got stopped half on my mission by Jimin pulling me in a cabinet.
"Don't deny it!" Jimin said.
"Yea you are really pretty in this dress" Jin said.
"Suga say something too, you haven't talked at all" Jin hit Yoongi's shoulder.
"It's expensive." Suga said expressionless. I immediatly looked at the price tag and my mouth was about to drop.
"Are you insane!? This dress costs more than around a whole trip to Canada for two!!" I whispered loudly.
"How much?" asked Jungkook.
I took the label again and read it.
"2,678,886.99 won (arond 3120$)"
"Meh this is nothing..." said Taehyung. He snatched the dress from my hands and put in his bag.
"Let's go pay. AeRa you go out first and wait in the store infront of this one. There is a lot of people there so they won't see me give you a bag" said Taehyung.
"Hyung do you really have to go through all of this for a girl you barely know?" asked Jungkook. Guess he is still mad at me for an X reason...
"Yeah Jungkook is right. You barely know me. I can't accept more gifts and you already gave me a VIP card for your fan meeting. I think it's enough" I said. Tae looked kind off hurt.
Jimin pushed me out.
"Go now!" wait for us in the other store. He said. I just sighed. What can I do more to stop them... No one can.
I waved at the cashier as she just glared at me. Did she see me talking with BTS? I fastened my steps as I got out of the store fast. Outside of the store was a man with a black hoodie. He is probably one of BTS' bodyguard. I got in the store infront of the one I was earlier. It was a shop for beauty products. There were alot of girls there because of all the liquidations. 5 minutes later, BTS made their entry.
Surrounded by alot of girls, I could barely see them. Then I saw that hoodie man once again. He had a black mask like Jimin. I could only see his eyes. They were.... So.... It was so weird... I felt like he wasn't safe. Who is he? I finally saw Taeyung subtly approaching me. The girls were following him as he stopped behind me, acting like he was looking at some products. The girls started pushing me but I managed to take the bag without being noticed. I sighed as I tried to get out of the crowd. When I got out of the store, I saw the man staring at me. What does he want? Does he know me? But he just entered in the shop. I'm getting worried too fast these days he is probably just sick. Or maybe he is another idol? But where are his bodyguards....? I got out of the mall looling at my phone.
"Ugh I still have 30 minutes left" I sighed as I put my phone back. I was about to cross the street when I saw BTS getting out of the mall too. After all the crazy fangirls, I saw the man staring and following them. But... He had a gun. I saw him putting it in his sleeve. What....? What is he planning to do!? I ended up following BTS who were going to get in their cars. It is so crowded! How am I supposed to tell them. I tried pushing forward but instead I was getting pushed back.
"Now now fellow armys we are happy to see you but we will have to get going. If you can please step back so we can get in our cars" Namjoon smiled at us. The girls were squealing. This is my chance to get throught. As I pushed, I saw the man going up a building while looking at them. Where is he going? I tried following the man with my eyes but I also had to push harder to reach the boys. I finally saw him after a minute on the rooftop but this time he had a huge gun. He hid himself but I could still see his sniper (?) or was it a sniper now that I think... I was now face to face with the bodyguards and BTS was behind them. I yelled with all my strenght:
The man infront of me looked at me with confusion. I also got Taehyung's attention but not for long because the protector infront of me started pushing me.
"Miss please have some respect for them and their privacy"
"No you don't understand!! If they don't leave now something dangerous will happen" I said looking up at the rooftop. The gun was still not ready but it could be any minute. Luckly the man understood as he saw the shooter too. He started yelling at his headphone and two other man started pushing the boys in the van. I looked a last time before I realised that the sniperist was ready to shoot. Taehyung and Jimin were still not in the car. They were waiting for Jungkook to go in. I pushed with all my strenght left and passed trought the bodyguards too busy to protect BTS. But I knew that if I didn't do something Taehtung or Jimin will be shot. I learned how to shoot when I was little because my grandfather was a professional hunter. I knew exactly where the shooter will aim. It was on Taehyung's heart, from the back. His back was wide open free to shoot. I had to do something. At the same time an arm grabbed me. It was the same man that saw the killer. After that I heard a loud POW and screams. I saw people running away. I looked at the bodyguard and then at the boys in the van. They all looked terrified and scared.

Danmmm what happened?
Is Taehyung hurt??😰
Read the next chapter to know hehe

My Morning Cup of Tae (BTS Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now