New beginning

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I swear these were the looooongest two weeks in my life. I did nothing. I still enjoyed it though. There was some Netflix and luxurious food but it wasn't enough. I usually go to work or enjoy being with grandma or just walk around parks practising my singing. Sometimes I go to karaoke but not to often. Not because I hate going there or anything but more because I am alone and it makes me feel sad. But these past two weeks I didn't even touch the ground. All I did is watch, sleep, eat, talk to the phone, play games on the phone or just receive some rare bts visit. Because they had tight schedules. The good thing is that I could bts' shows and concert.

The doctor came in my room.
"Well good morning miss AeRa. How are you today? Do you feel better?"
"Yes and no. If you speak for my injury, the treatment was the best I don't feel any pain but mentally I feel like I'll explode!!!! I need some air, I want to get out of here. Not this is a bad place tho it's pretty cool" I exclaimed using hand gestures.
The doctor laughed.
"Hahaha well good news I have for you. Today two other doctors will come to inspect your injury and be sure you really are okay. And if everything goes alright you will be abale to leave tomorrow afternoon"
"REALLY!? YES!!!!" I jumped with my bum on the bed.
"I see you have alot of energy to waste. You are a very interesting woman I should say, miss" he smiled at me. There was a knock on the door. "Someone in there?" a voice yelled. The doctor went to open the door.
"Well hello boys! We were just talking about how miss AeRa could leave tomorrow if everything is alright" he smiled at them too.
"Well isn't that good news AeRa?" exclaimed Taehyung. I couldn't respond. I was dead. Killed by the boys with their new hairstyles and hair colors.
"Doctor! I don't think I'm okay anymore. I'm dying. The boys are killing me. Ajeossi help" I imitated a dying person.
"Hahaha and a funny person!! But know that you shouldn't joke with death." the doctor exclaimed and left the room. I stared at him. What was that supposed to mean? He sounded so different... As if he was warning me?
"So AeRa! What sre you going to do after you get out of this boring hospital?" asked Jimin.
"Do what I planned at first. Stay at halmeoni's for 2 or 3 days and then get back in Seoul" I said.
"Oh you live in Seoul? Where?" asked Namjoon curious.
"I actually live between JYP entertainment and yours (BigHit entertainment) how funny can that be?" I laughed.
"Ah really??" asked JHope.
"Yes really but I don't think you'll want to visit. With your tight schedules and the rumors and not forget the fact that my house is not one of the cleanest hahaha..." I awkwardly laughed. The boys only looked at me confuzed about what was happening.
"For friends, we always have time" smiled Taehyung.
"I don't mind. We'll find a free time just for you and you will specialy clean you house for that day. And we will be the most subtle possible" Jungkook eye smiled at me.
"Ha... Ok. Since we are friends now!!" I said smiling at Jungkook and Taehyung. 
"You studied at a music department?" asked Suga intrigued.
"Uuuhm... Yes?" I blushed.
"Nice so you sing or rap?" he asked me again.
"....... Both?" I don't know why I got this shy at Suga's sudden questions but it appeared that my reactions were seen by Taehyung who didn't look that happy after that.
"So uhm... You said you listen to our group and uh... Mind if I ask you who is your bias?" Tae asked me. All the boys heard the question and gathered around me waiting for an answer. I can't just say Taehyunf is my bias it will insult everyone else and I love them all. It's just that when I see Taehyung my heart flutters more than with others.
"I-I I..... Don't really think...." I couldn't say more. What should I say? Ahhh.
"She can't tell us yet. I bet it's me" said Jungkook all proud.
"Peuh who wouldn't fall for a beautiful man like me" said Jin looking at a picket mirror he was holding. Where did he get that out from?? He doesn't even have a bag with him...
"I bet it's Suga look at how she's blushing hard" Namjoon laughed. Taehyung looked at me with serious eyes.
"Is he your bias?" he asked.
"No!! Yes!! I mean-" I was cut off by Namjoon.
"Seeee???" he giggled.
Taehyung looked at me. I could see disappointment in his eyes.
"No wait you don't understand!! I love you all!! I d-don't really h-have a bias..." I said, blushing intense at Taehyung being too close to me. He stared at me and then gave me his rectangular smile.
"Oh guys... We have to leave we need to go for the next show" said Namjoon.
"Oh okay yeah you should leave. The doctors might come anytime soon anyways" I said.
They all left shortly after.
"Bye Noona!! And you don't need to hide the fact that I am your bias even thought I'm younger than youuuu" yelled Jungkook from the door. I could see his bunny smile. So cute!
I'm so glad I met these guys. I don't know what will happen in the futur. But this may be a new beginning in my life. I have now friends who are worldwide known as BTS and I may audition soon at some of the entertainments and even become an idol if I succeed. Form this moment, I had a new goal in life:
Learn to love myself and become a superstar.

This is how I met BTS, my new friends!

No wait. Its not done. This is just her story of how she met BTS. Next chapter is her life actually.
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Sorry for grammar mistakes!!

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