Crash town Act 2; Duel at Dusk, Yusei vs. Kalin! (Unedited)

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A,n: sorry for the long wait of update. I kind of forgotten the story, until someone sended me a comment and wanted me to update, so to furfil their wishes I will update. Hope you will like it though. Please tell me what you think.

Yusei's p.o.v.

Yusei was looking after Kalin's duel runner. Skylar had been on it. However Yusei wasn't worried at all. He knew Skylar! She had escaped from everywhere, where it was possible. Second he also knew that Kalin wouldn't do anything to her. Something triggered his memory by seeing them together, and it was not something terrible. However he was not sure what he had seen. Yusei sighed. However he also had noticed that Skylar was waving at him, before leaving. She was going to take care of Kalin until they actually could save him, he just knew. Yusei looked at Barb or Barbara was her real name.
"So what was that plan of yours!" He asked.

Time skip in the evening.

Yusei had arrived at the Malcouns family's place in this town. However Yusei hadn't made himself known yet. He was hiding in the shadows, and was listening to the leader Malcolm. He was drunk and talking to his men.
"Curse that brat who is dueling for the Radley family!" He screamed angry. He sounded drunk, drunk and angry. He also kicked a table and a chair. Yusei walked out of the shadows. Malcolm noticed him, and so did his henchmen. It was the three goons from the afternoon. They were staring angry at him.
"I am here for some work!" Yusei said. The three goons looked in horror.
"It is the stranger from before boss!" they said "We are gonna take care of him!".
Yusei could see that Malcolm was smiling. His goons were surrounding Yusei.
"Well that's a good Idea!" He said "If you want to get payed stranger, you will have to show me, that you can duel!". Yusei only nodded. He knew that already. He grabbed his pistol, alias Duel disk and activated it. Malcolm's three goons did the same thing. The duel began.

Yusei: 4000lp.
Malcolm's men: 4000lp.

Yusei started off. He summoned "Changer synchron". And then placed a facedown card and ended his turn. The first goon summoned a "Fuse ray blaster" to the field in att mode, but since it was battle royal, he couldn't attack just yet. The second goon. He also summoned a Fuse ray blaster. The ability of the first one activated, because a second one got summoned, Yusei got slammed by 800 points of damage. The third goon also summoned a Fuse ray blaster and Yusei got slammed again but this time by 1600 points, since there were two out.
"See that stranger!" yelled all Malcolm's men and grinned "What about giving up!". However Yusei just cleaned his clothes of dust and looked at the goons.
"Was that all!" Yusei said and smirked "Well let me show you a real move!". Yusei drew and discarded "Quillbolt hedgehog" to the grave to special summon "Quickdraw synchron!" to the field in att mode. Then his hedgehog's eff kicks in and he could summon it to the field, because he was having a tuner on the field. He then tuned his two monsters to summon "Nitro warrior" to the field. Then he normal summoned "Gauntlet warrior". Yusei tuned his gauntlet and changer synchron to summon "Armory arm" to the field. Now since Changer synchron was send to the grave, Yusei could now change one monster on the field into def mode. Then he equipped Armory arm unto Nitro warrior and raised his att with 1000 extra points. He also equipped Nitro with a spell called "Junk barrage" and since he also used a spell card this turn, his monster gained 1000 more att and now had 4800 att. Yusei first attacked the first goon, and with a combo of armory arm and Nitro warrior's difference in att point. The goon's lp's hit zero. In the end Yusei won the battle by making some combo's nitro warrior, armory arm, and a trap card. Malcolm was pretty impressed. Yusei smiled. He had hoped he would. Malcolm wanted to hire him to duel against Kalin. Yusei smiled and accepted. He just hoped Skylar was as lucky as he is.

Kalin's p.o.v.

"Yes!" yelled Radley and smiled wildly "Yet another victory! Victory has never tastes so good! But everything taste good since you have appeared in town!". Kalin sighed. He was really not into this kind of things now. He didn't deserve it! Kalin sighed again and looked at the stairs, who lead up to his room. The girl, he saved this evening, was sleeping in his room. She had fallen asleep on the duel runner while they were driving. Therefore Kalin had just carried her to his room and let her sleep for now. However he had a lot of questions for the girl. Like who she was, and why she was on his mind constantly, since he saw her in that duel with the giant. He had also a memory of her inside his head, but he was not sure what it was! Only that he was dueling her and was losing! He had never lost to a girl before, if he could recall?!
Hey Kalin!" said one of the goons suddenly "What happened to the girl you claimed! Are you already bored of her, or have you already had your turn at her?!". The goon grinned a little. Kalin sneered inside! He would never do that! He got up from his chair and was showing an emotionless face, and looked at the goon.
"She is sleeping! And if you dare do anything to her! I can't guarantee for your health!" Kalin said "She is mine! So butt out!". The goon looked scared away.
"We get it Kalin" said Radley "And don't worry, No one of my men will touch he. We can't have you are leaving town after all". Kalin smirked.
"Good! Then we understand each other!". Then he left the headquarter!

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