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macis pov

so a little bit about my self. my name is maci pope. I'm 16 years old and I live in hawaii. I'm a junior in high school and I live with my mom. my mom and dad split up when I was 6 years old and my dad lives in california.

"alright class tonight's homework will be 1-10 on page 234 in your textbook, have a good rest of the day"

The bell sounded so I got up from my seat and grabbed my books, I started to walk towards the door when I felt a hand grab my back

"hey maci" I turned to see a smiling Charles

"hey char" I smiled back

Charles was one of my good friends. Him and his best friend Joey are like the only cool guys in my grade.

"were all gonna have a little bonfire at the beach tonight if you wanna come"

"okay I'll be there" I replied grinning

"okay cool bye alexis" Charles waved and walked out

I walked to my locker and swung it open, I set my books in and then grabbed my bag and phone. Bryce walked up to me with Mikey

"you comin to the bonfire tonight?" bryce asked smirking

"yeah" I smiled and walked out the big school doors with them

"nice, bring Loren too" bryce answered smirking

"alright" I giggled and walked to my Jeep

Bryce and Loren talked a lot and you could tell they liked each other. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to my house. My house wasn't far from the school, only a few minutes.

I parked in my driveway and grabbed my stuff. I unlocked the front door and set my stuff on the glass table. My mom was at work. She was a surgeon for this big hospital. I walked towards my bedroom and plopped down on my bed scrolling through insta. I decided to call Loren and tell her about the beach thing.

"hey lor"

"hey maci"

"there's this bonfire thing at the beach tonight, bryce wanted me to bring you" I giggled through the phone

"okay can you pick me up?" I could hear the happiness in her voice

"ya I'll be there around 7:30"

"okay thanks alexis, bye"

I hung up and kept scrolling through insta.

I pulled up to Lorens house and honked my horn. She walked outside. She looked cute.

"hey girl" she smiled

"hey" I replied

"so you gonna talk to joey" she laughed and nudged my arm

Me and joey have been talking for a while. We were just friends but we always flirted.

"I hope, are you gonna talk to bryce" I laughed

"yes" she smiled

We pulled up and parked at the beach 10 minutes later. I grabbed my phone and keys and put my keychain around my neck. I could see a fire down at a pit so we walked towards everyone

"hey guys" Luna yelled

"hey" I waved to everyone

Bryce immediately walked up to Loren and grabbed her hand. I walked over and sat with maci and Charles.

"hey guys"

"hey maci" lexi smiled

"where's joey?" I asked

"oh" Charles frowned and looked at the water

"he's apparently coming with this new girl Maddie " maci said frowning

"oh that's cool" I said kind of upset but tried not to show it

I know we weren't official or anything but I liked joey... a lot. He was sweet and caring. I really thought he liked me too.

I went and grabbed a drink with maci then sat on some chairs talking to her and char. I heard joeys voice so I looked up and saw him talking to bryce and holding a short girl with brown hairs hand. I just kept drinking and talking with my friends, hoping I wouldn't have to talk to him and meet his new girl.

Of course with my luck, I looked up to see joey walking towards me with the the girl walking behind him

"hey maci" he said smiling

"hey" I fake smiled

"hey guys" he said to lex and char

"this is my friend maddie " she stepped forward

"nice to meet you guys" she smiled weirdly

"I'm maci" I smiled and waved

Charles and lexi introduced themselves and then joey took his brown haired beauty to get a drink. Lexi and char turned to me and laughed

"what the hell" I said laughing

"there's something off about her" Charles said giggling

"I mean she's nice" I said trying to be positive about the whole situation, even though I was mad

"I guess" lexi said laughing

"cheers" Charles held his drink to me and lexi and we all took a drink laughing

Bryce was drunk and making a fool of himself so Loren was holding him back. He was trying to fight this kid from school. Charles ran over to them and tried breaking it up.

"hey wanna stay at my house?" I asked maci

"yeah for sure" she smiled

"char can stay too" I laughed

Charles was like our gay best friend except he was straight.

We walked to get another drink and I looked over to see joey staring at me. He was sitting with maddie and Zach. I smiled and then turned my head. I was upset but I was trying not to show it.

By the end of the night I was tipsy and I ended up kissing mikey. Apparently joey saw us because he looked upset and he texted me

"what the hell maci"


"really? Mikey"


I don't know why he cares. He has a new girlfriend and the kiss didn't mean anything. We had been drinking and he just leaned in and kissed me so I kissed back. It was late so Charles, me, and lexi decided to leave. Charles drove my Jeep home since he wasn't drinking very much. We pulled into my driveway and went inside. Charles slept on the couch and me and lexi slept on my bed. I fell asleep right away.

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