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alexis pov

I woke up and turned to see lex sleeping beside me. I remembered everything from last night. I wasn't drunk or anything just a little tipsy. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from joey and Mikey.

"maci" joey texted

"what" I replied still mad from last night

"hey cutie :)" Mikey texted

"hey" I replied

I didn't like mikey, but I felt bad not replying. I mean he was cute but he talked to a lot of girls and had a past for being kind of an ass. I sat up and walked to the living room. It was 9:30 so my mom had already left for work. I saw Charles laying on the couch, asleep.

I ate some cereal and then walked back to my room. Lexi woke up and started laughing

"what?" I asked

"you and Mikey last night" she laughed

I laughed and shook my head

"it was an accident" I replied rolling my eyes

"I know"

I dropped Charles and lexi off at their house and then started driving home. I got to my house and showered. I threw on some sweatpants and a cropped tank top. I threw on a little makeup and let my hair dry naturally. Then I got a text from Joey

"can you come over? I wanna talk"

"sure I'll be there in 10"

I wondered what he wanted to talk about. I got in my car and drove to joeys place. I knocked on the door and he opened the door shirtless.

"uh hey" I said

"come in" he opened the door fully

I walked in and we sat down on the couch.

"so are you and Mikey a thing ?" He asked sounding annoyed

"no, it was an accident. Are you and Maddie a thing?" I replied sassily

"no well um.. I don't know" he replied

I rolled my eyes and looked down at the ground.

"I don't want you to be with other boys" he said sounding kind of sad

"that's kind of hypocritical considering your kind of with Maddie." i rolled my eyes

"maci, I like you"

"I like you too joey, but you are with Maddie now" I got up and walked out the front door getting in my car

"maci!" I heard joey yell and get up

This isn't fair. I can't believe him, he doesn't want me with other guys yet he's all over maddie. I drove off and decided to go to lexis.

I knocked on her door and her brother answered

"she's upstairs" he smiled and pointed to her room

I walked up and opened her door, she was laying in her bed

"hey maci" she smiled

"hey lexi, I need to talk" I sat down beside her and she sat up

"what's wrong"

I told her everything and she talked to me about it

"is he okay? He can't tell you what to do if he isn't going to follow the same rules"

I looked up and nodded "I know"

"let's watch movies" she smiled turning her laptop on

For the rest of the day we watched movies and talked. Joey texted me at least 10 times. I ignored all them.

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