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macis pov

*beep* I woke up to my alarm ringing. It's Monday morning and it's our last week of junior year before summer.I'm super excited.

I got up and got in the shower. After my shower I blow dried my hair and did my makeup. I decided to wear a jean skirt with a t-shirt and vans. I threw on a necklace and brushed my teeth.

I looked at the clock it was 7:30 and school started in 15 minutes so I sprayed myself with perfume and walked downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen about to leave for work

"hey maci" she smiled kissing my cheek

"hey mom" I smiled back

"I'm leaving for work, love you have a good day."

"love you too mom, have a good day at work"

She smiled and walked out the door. I grabbed my bag and keychain and walked out to my car. I started driving to school.

I walked in the school doors and went to my locker to grab my English book. I noticed joey and Maddie walking towards me. I sighed to myself

"morning maci" joey smiled

"good morning guys" I smiled back and walked to my locker

I still haven't talked to him since he told me he doesn't like me talking to other guys. I was upset but I've kind of gotten over it. I grabbed my English book and headed to class.


I decided to go to lunch with lex. We went to a Chinese restaurant.

"So how are things with joey" she asked

"I haven't talked to him, but he was with Maddie this morning" I rolled my eyes

"he's dumb, I'm so confused on who this girl even is"

"apparently she's a sophomore and she moved here from Florida. I guess joeys family is close to hers and they used to be a thing"

"Ugh" she sighed and looked through the menu

After school I went home and started doing some homework. I got a call from guess who... joey

"hey can I come over"

"I guess"

"okay see you soon"

10 minutes later I heard a knock at my front door. I got off my bed and walked downstairs to open the door. I opened it and joey was standing there with flowers

"h..hey" I said awkwardly

"hey maci, these are for you" he smiled and handed me the bouquet

"thank you joey" I hugged him and then walked in the kitchen him following behind me

"so, I'm really sorry about the other day I know I shouldn't have..."

"it's fine joey" I cut him off

"okay" he blushed

"so..." o said awkwardly

He got up and grabbed my face smashing his soft lips onto mine. Our lips glided and I ran my fingers through his soft brown hair. He stopped for a second and stared at me, I smiled and he leaned back in kissing me while I held onto him tightly. I finally pulled away. I smiled and blushed

"we should hang out this weekend" he smiled

"for sure" I blushed

"well I gotta get home I'll text you" he walked to the door and I walked behind him to let him out, he turned around "bye" he kissed me again and then walked out

Oh my gosh. I don't even know what just happened. What about Maddie. I had so many questions but kissing joey made me like him even more. He's amazing. I grabbed some water and went back upstairs to finish my homework.

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