14 - Caden

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"Are you sure Grace?" I was getting exasperated with this plan as Grace and I poured over all the files belonging to The Run. We had to first find all the hidden traps laid in the forest that was set up in the begining so that we could disable them. Apparently none of the traps from the first apearance of them one hundred years ago were changed. They just added new ones every six months when the next Run would happen.

"Over five thousand traps we have to disarm." She says with shock, confirming her earlier statement. How could there be that many traps in this many years.

"We need to start pin pointing their exact location to figure out the best way to disable them safely." I groaned out, leaning back into my chair. How could my ancestors let this happen. How could they hurt so many wolves just for the sport of rape. It made no sense why anyone would do this or want to do this and my father had continued this stupid tradition.

"Grace how do we replace The Run with our gathering in such a short time?" I asked as I run my hands through my hair.

"We don't. It's to short of a time frame to get everything we need done safely. Even if we knew where the other traps were we don't have a clue on what they are meant to do." She sounded defeated, her body slouching as she let out a sad sigh. With all the traps we had to take apart it would take a few years for it all to settle down before we could start building cabins for the packs that would participate and it would take another two for the rest of the event to be properly planned. Silence settled over us as we took our time with this problem.

"Caden." Her voice was quiet when Grace decided to break our silence, a nervous fidget taking over for a moment as she turned her head to look at me.

"With our wedding to be scheduled around the same time as The Run, why don't we cancel it?" Her ideas were amazing. It would be a horrible idea to go through with The Run when we would be celebrating our love while other girls were raped and hurt in this sick event.

"That's an amazing idea. We could have this as a kingdom wide event. Give everyone time to enjoy their new King and Queen as well as give them a break to find real love." I was to my feet and running towards my mate, picking her up and kissing her passionately. This wolf was beautiful and incredible.

And she was all mine.

When we pulled away from each other her eyes held love and happiness as her hands intertwined around my neck, her head resting on the crook of my shoulder.

"And because we would be disabling traps we would have no choice but to cancel it for the next few years due to matainance." She continues. I could see it now. In a few years everything would change in the blue forest. No longer would there be traps and hidden caves. There would be proper cabins and fun events. People could meet and fall in love and in the end find a way to marry their true happiness like I would soon be doing with my beautiful Queen.

"Caden." I could hear the tiredness in her voice as she snuggled closer to me.

"Yes beautiful?"

"Can we go get food and sleep?" She asked with a yawn. I noticed that lately Grace had been getting tired easily. I knew she hid it well but it showed with how she would snuggle into me every now and then. Even though we were just reading over notes she still had seem to be falling asleep.

"Of course. We can join the pack for lunch and then snuggle in the bed with a movie." She seemed to like that idea as she wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms tightening to stay attached to me and I knew how tired she was from there. With a smile place my arms under her legs, her firm Butt resting on my hands while I carried her towards the stairs. Our office was on the third floor, easily reachable by all pack members but also set away from the noise of pack life so we could focus on the hard work we needed to do for both our pack and the rest of the wolves under my rule.

With each stair I decended I could hear the laughter from the dining room, my smile getting bigger and I could feel a small smile forming on my mate's lips as well.

"This is our family. We need to protect our unmated shewolves." She whispers and I couldn't agree more as I held Grace tighter to me. In a few days this women would be Queen and she would be a perfect Queen at that.

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