38- Caden

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"Hey Cade how is Grace?" Zander asks as he enters the room pushing a cart full of drinks and food. My smile falters for a moment before I turn to where the room I shared with my mate was.

"Sleeping but shooken up. It was a long day for her and It'll be an even longer night." I sigh out, grabbing a box of pizza and a bottle of water before plopping down onto the love seat. A door to the right opens as Liam steps into the room, the smell of blood gone as he uses a towel to dry his hair. He looked like that bastard that called himself their father but with softer features and the same saphire eyes.

"Who are you?" My Beta's uneasy aura floats to me and I sigh again. Motioning for Liam to explain who he is I watch my brother in-law take a pan of burgers from the cart and fall into the arm chair across from me. Once he started explaining who he was and the event that Grace and he had been through I could see Zander trusted him right away.

We all decided to let Grace sleep for now as we devoured the food going through an Avengers marathon. Now I know why Karina and Madie liked to steal Grace for girl time.

"So Liam, what's your main job?" Zander asks and Liam sighs, his fingers playing with the tab to the come can.

"Guard for the Head of Medical. I was trained to be the next head but something told me to go into guarding. Turned out that was a great choice because I became a Protector." Zander apparently knew about The Claw being real. He had captured many wolves and had been keeping an eye on everyone in the palace in case of a rebellion. Apparently my father had been a member of The Claw. Considering on how much of a misogynist it did not shock me.

Zander was interested when we told him about the hidden library, Liam preferred to not tell him where the entrance was.

[Why dont you tell him?] I link the man with peircing sapphire eyes.

[If he knew the location then he would be in danger as well as there could be a possibility of it leaking out.] Liam's reason made sense. Many wolves would be after that information in hopes of killing Grace and our unborn pup. I couldn't let that happen. There was also the possibility of my best friend being a member of The Claw.

The two go back to watching ghe movies as I get up and check on Grace, slowly making my way towards the bed and running a finger gently across her cheek.

"Mmm Caden?" She mumbles, leaning into my touch until her eyes open to look at me.

"Hey baby you ready to get up and eat?" I ask, sitting down beside her and watching as Grace wiggles closer to me, snuggling into my lap withher arms wrapped around my waist.

"Yes for the food no to getting up. I just want to cuddle and sleep." She yawns, my left hand running through her hair while my right makes small circles in between her shoulders. For a while we stay like this, her eyes closing again as she falls back asleep. I know we said we would go to the hidden Library later tonight but Grace was exhausted and I wasn't going to push her.

[Zander can you head back to your room for now. Grace is exhausted and I just want her to rest.] I link my beta as I hear the tv turn off.

[Roger that Cade. Take care of our Queen.] I was glad my friend understood as I hear him say good bye to Liam before the door to our chamber closes. The room stays silent until I see Liam leaning against the door frame, his eyes targeted on my mate. A surge of protectiveness envelopes me as I watch him, happy he never leaves his spot.

"She's stronger then I thought she would be. Fighting off that she wolf from her coronation, those members from The Claw. All the while pregnant and ruling a hidden nation." His voice held the admiration that I felt for Grace, a look of sadness in his eyes. It must have been hard not being there for her like I was with Karina.

"I wished I was there for her. Protect her even more." He sighs out. I know what he means. There were times I couldn't protect Karina from my father or Felix. How I would be forced to study and train and make it just in time to save her from the worse of the beating.

"Theres a guest room across the hall. Have your stuff move there because from now on you're her personal guard. Make sure you protect your sister and your future niece or nephew when I can't be there." I smile at the happiness in his eyes as he says a silent good night before walking out the suit.

Starting tomorrow we could figgure out this new mystery. Tonight I will just let my mate sleep.

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