27 - Grace

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I hated that I had to put on another god damn ball gown. It was almost time for the party and some how Zander had found my crown in the hands of a Luna who thought she could steal it. To say I was angry was an understatement.

"You look amazing." Caden says as he finishes attatching his cape to his new suit, a plain black tuxedo with the pack emblem on the pocket. His crown twinkled in the light as we stood infront of the ball room doors. How I hated this dress even if my mate thought I looked beautiful.

"Grace why are you glaring at your stomach?" Caden asks with worry and I let out a growl of frustration.

"Why do I have to wear this stupid ball gown. Why not a normal dress. I hate how bulky it is." I admit, watching his face change from worry to one of amusement while a soft chuckle escapes his lips. I was not happy with him laughing at my dilema.

"How about this. An hour in the ball then we can go back to bed and relax." He bargains with and I couldn't help but agree. Anything to get me into a baggy t-shirt and out of this stupid heavy dress.

With a sigh I motion to the guards to get ready. We would be entering the party. I take a deep breath as the sounds of the ball room escapes from the heavy wooden doors of the palace, my new home. I would be introduced as the Alpha Queen.

The sounds of the doors moving override the music and whispers of supernaturals. My eyes open and I step forward, trumpets blaring. It's time to take The Crown seriousely now and change the fate of my people. Today we would party and tomorrow we would work on getting rid of The Run for good.

With that thought in mind I walk through the doors with Caden beside me, my hand resting on the crook of his elbow as we present a united front.

"Presenting Queen Grace Harvest and King Caden Alcazaris, Alphas of all werewolves in North America." Zander announces, the crowd cheers for us as we wave and smile down at them.

"Care to make a speach?" My beta asks, motioning for me to take the lead as Caden gives me an encouraging nodd. I guess as Queen I would have to get used to it. My feet take me towards the stairs, my hands clapsing infront of me as I come to a stop on the first stair before the descent towards the ballroom floor.

"Thank you everyone for waiting while I recouporated from my fight with the shewolf." I take a deep breath and look back at Caden with a smile.

"I know some of you may not think I am fit to be Queen because I was not raped in The Run." I start with, my voice ending cold as I stared at the Alphas who voiced their displeasures of me.

"But know that that thinking will not be tolerated any longer. We she wolves are your equal." And that was how it was supposed to be. A voice echoes around the room, startling me. It was clear no one else had spoken but I had heard it clearly. With another deep breath I turn my focus to the crowd again.

"Understand that I am grateful for your support but things will start changing. Tonight we party, tomorrow the nation of our kind will begin fresh." And everything would be how it should have in the very begining. That voice adds on at the end. I waited for more words of wisdom from this voice, one I swear I have heard before. Arms wrap around me and a kiss is placed on my shoulder as more clapping is sounded and the guests turn away from me.

"-Grace?" I jump slightly as I turn to stare at my mate, eyes widening with realization I had Spaced out.

What was going on with me?

"What did you say Caden?" I ask with a blush, turning my head to rest on his shoulder.

"Why don't we go enjoy the party for a bit." He kisses my head and pulls me closer before we make our way down the stairs and into the crowd.

I could deal with the voice later.

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