ice heart begin to melt

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After I had heard what doctor said : I felt a feel that was weird like it was something  missing from me but  I don't know what I can't understand it but  it make me feel like it is killing me inside may  be it is  my  brain telling me "how could you be like this with the one who care for you??! Has you  no heart ??!!" and for my first time of my life I cried and as my first tear fall on my chick I wiped it and said to myself : would you cry like that ?? you are strong girl as long as I did I found my dad beside  me  tell me "isn't it enough for you ?? don't you understand why doesn't you mother came here ??!! " I couldn't say any words I just look in the ground then I asked my dad "when is she going to got out of the hospital ?" dad:"doctor said after month she is going to stay here and I don't have any money I don't know what to do " I look to my dad with unemotional face then walked away I met my friends outside Emma said "who is your mother now ?" sunny said "what happened?" I looked at both of them and said nothing then "look I don't have time for answering I have a big problem my mum going to stay right here for month and my dad don't have money  and my house is in a big miss need to be tidy up  " and the surprise that shocked me after I saw Chad after I left the girls and I didn't know he was going to talk to me so I walk beside him away then he said to me : "hey Katy ,what's up ? why are you beside the hospital  is everything is okay ?  " I answered him "yes yes  It is and you ?" my uncle is a little bit not aright so I came to check his health  okay met you at school said Chad then I went home and tidy and clean it up and cooked my food when the door bell rang I went to check who is it and surprise it was Chad !! I open the door and let him in my dad was at the hospital with my mum then he came to talk to me and said "I need you to explain science to me I saw you before when you answer the most hard quiz" then I asked him to wait a minute I came back with the book and begin to explain to him  but when I begin to  he told me I know what is going right her then I asked him you do ?? (I was afraid that he knew about my love to him and he is going to tell everyone ) he said "I heard you today and heard your conversation with your friends I knew about your dad problem don't worry I can help you I would like you to be my friend after I knew all of this we can work together and gain money before the hospital ask your dad to get them    " I was so surprised by his words and shocking between how did he want me to be his friend?? or how did he know about my problem?? Does he like me ? I don't know ! then I back to my mind and with a calm way said : I really like you  to be mu friend at least you didn't make fun of me anyway what could we work ?? Chad said "I know it well you can sing and I play for you deal?" I think for 2 minutes then answered him deal J then we deal to do a performance in the street every day after school after I knew the cost of the hospital we work and work till the day of the show in the school we enter then both if us make a good show that both of us took first rink then that jealous girl called su was so angry cause on a hand she likes Chad and on another hand she came the last rink anyway we were performing at the street one day when a man who look so rich called us then we went to him he asked us to act in a singing musical show in his theater so we accept his request and we were so happy the next day we were about to do the show Chad go to his room to continue his cloth me to when a flowers reaches me from a guy (who I don't know ) named gamy said with all love this is for you Chad came to my room to take me to show with him when he saw the flowers asked me trying to be calm :who is that ? do you know him ? I answered no I swear L then he was about to go to show then I begged him to do the show with  me then he answers : okay but it will be the last one … I said : but … then he stop me from saying anything and said "the show is right now let's go at least make it good " then we saw someone that we couldn't understand who did he know about our show that person was ……….                     

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