10| Appetence

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A p p e t e n c e 

(n.) an eager desire, an instructive inclination; an attraction or a natural bond.


 The truth is, we are not afraid of being in love. We are only afraid of not being loved in return.

  – Anonymous 


Adam was staring at his phone for fifteen minutes straight.

It was pathetic really; how for the past quarter of an hour he would pick up his phone, ready to click on her number, before his thoughts would get all scrambled and he'd drop the phone by his side. The process repeated multiple times, and once Adam had enough of his childish attitude, he quickly pressed on Belle's number and held his phone to his ear.

When he could hear the ringing, Adam instantly regretted it. He should've given himself – and Belle too – more time, because he knew that if she answered he would become a jumbled mess of stutters and he would just made himself look like an idiot. Nodding to himself, Adam was just about to end the call and save himself the embarrassment –


Adam instantly shut his eyes – Oh crap what now – and took in a deep breath. "Belle?" he asked stupidly, already giving himself seven reasons to just throw himself out the window.

He could hear her laugh quietly – he actually got her to laugh – and he could hear her clear her throat. "What do you think?"

"Sorry, it was a stupid question," Adam said, scratching the back of his neck, "I wasn't thinking."

"I can tell," The smile was written all over her voice and Adam thought he was going to pass out. "I'm going to be honest," she said, and Adam could make out the bits of insecurity in her tone, "I have no idea how this whole phone-call thing goes."

Adam actually laughed. "Good thing I do, so I think you're in good hands."

Belle laughed quietly once more, and Adam couldn't really help the surge of happiness that bloomed in his chest. "Okay then, I guess you're going to be the lead of this conversation."

Adam was so engrossed in her voice that he completely forgot why he even decided to call her. "Umm, is this uncomfortable for you Belle? I could always text you instead, I mean I would never impose on you if you aren't comfortable with the way –"

"Adam," Belle's voice was soft, almost like a caress to his ear, "I like it. I like it a lot, in fact, so I'm very comfortable and delighted."

Adam smiled, letting out a relieved breath. "Great," he said, running a hand through his fingers, "I'm glad to hear that." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to get coffee some time."

There was silence on her end of the line, and that was when Adam knew he screwed up. He then heard Belle let out a stressed breath – Jesus you really screwed this up Adam – and anxiety pinned itself to all of Adam's nerve endings.


"No, it's okay," Adam said, smiling tightly. What was he thinking anyway? It seemed insane that the Antonelle Sinclair would want to have coffee with him. Because at the end of the day, Belle was just way out of his league, and the sooner he accepted that, the easier it will be for the both of them. "I get it."

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