Chapter 31.

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Beth had had enough. Her thoughts in turmoil after her conversation with Danny, she returned to her cabin and quickly changed into sweats and sneakers. Grabbing her iPhone and earbuds she made her way to the running track on the upper deck.

Forty minutes later, after her steady run, she was still nowhere closer to an answer about what to do, but the exercise would help her sleep easier. She sat on a nearby deck lounger to rest, and contemplate her situation. On the one hand being back in Jordan's life, even if it was just temporarily, had her feeling more at peace than she had in many years. Just knowing they were on the same ship as each other gave her a sense of calm that she had long forgotten feeling. On the other hand, if Danny was right, she wouldn't be the only one hurting when they disembarked on Monday. She worried that maybe it was too late, because if Jordan felt even a fraction of what she was feeling right now, they were both going to be in a world of pain anyway.

Jordan hurried back to his cabin. He'd placed a spare keycard to his suite on Beth's bedside table that afternoon, and he hoped she'd used it. The darkness that greeted him when he entered was not promising. Switching on the light he noticed the empty cabin was as he'd left it earlier in the evening. Not only was Beth not here, she hadn't moved in either. Disappointed more than he cared to admit he sank to the bed. Slipping off his shoes and socks, sinking his toes into the deep carpet pile, before rising and getting out of his tux and into his red plaid lounge pants. Shirtless, he stepped out onto the balcony, sipping from a bottle of coconut water. He couldn't help but wish Beth had decided differently than she did, but he wouldn't force it. He could make his way to her cabin, persuade her with kisses, but he wanted more than just one more night, he wanted to see whether she would want more, and until she came to him of her own free will that wasn't looking promising.
Drink finished he made his way to the bathroom, then on completion of his nighttime ablutions, he headed to bed.

Beth woke up, shivering on the deck lounger, thankful that she generally only slept in short bursts. You didn't wake up last night, the little pro Jordan voice in her head muttered. Brushing the thought aside she made her way back down to her cabin.

Arriving at her cabin, she unzipped the pocket of her sweatpants and pulled out her keycard, correction, key cards. She had picked up Jordan's keycard as well as her own earlier, just in case. But which cabin should she choose?
"Pick a card, any card" she said to herself. Switching the cards around in her fingers. "Whichever door the key card fits...." She let the thought trial off as she selected a card, and slipped it into the card slot.

Jordan was just starting to doze off, when a quiet snick and whirr signalled the activation of a keycard in the door. He watched as the door silently opened, showing just a flicker of light in the darkness. He sighed, breathing in deeply, preparing to berate whoever was disturbing him, when he caught that scent. HER scent. Sunshine and home.

Not wanting to scare her off, to do anything that might change her mind, he relaxed back onto the pillow, listening to the soft shuffle of her stockinged feet on the carpeted floor. Smiling at the knowledge that she hadn't wanted to be away from him, but also hadn't wanted him to know she'd succumbed.

The bedcover shifted, and he felt the bed dip slightly under her weight. As she drew the covers back over herself her foot caught the back of his leg, shocking him. "Shit babe, you're freezing." He crooned in a low voice, and he rolled to face her, drawing her tight into his chest, tucking her icy body into his heat, tucking her cold feet between his calves.

He rested he head on his shoulder and kissed the top of her head. "Sweet dreams babe." was all he said, before together they fell into a comfortable silence, and restful sleep.

" was all he said, before together they fell into a comfortable silence, and restful sleep

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