Chapter 35.

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Beth twisted her body around, trying to capture the hair grips that held her wig in place. When the winds on deck had threatened to tear it from her head earlier Lou had reached into her oversized bag and pulled out a strip of Kirby grips, and had proceeded to pin and prod the wig into its now unmovable position. Sadly, Lou's nimble fingers had applied more of the hair pins than Beth had realised. Now, instead of being showered and waiting suggestively in bed for Jordan, she was squirming to find the last few pins so she could get cleaned off before Jordan got back.

She reeked of some weird, sugary, fruity cocktail. A drunken fan had hurled it at her as she had made her way off the stage, screaming "whore!" into Beth's face.
No longer the shy girl she had been before, Beth retaliated, tipping her own beer over the woman, shouting "jealous bitch." back at her.
The pair were about to come to blows, when Val appeared at Beth's elbow, gave the drenched attacker a withering look, before pulling Beth away to the VIP area.

Determined not to let the woman or her friends see just how upset she had been by the encounter, Beth had continued to dance in the VIP area with the rest of the Blockade, and her family, until one by one her little group began turning in and returning to their cabins. When Lucy and Nat then also called it a night, Beth left with them, hoping she had allowed enough time to be in bed when Jordan finished up on deck.

She hadn't counted the syrupy drink turning her wig into a sticky mass, nor on these damned hairpins though. Placing her legs a shoulder width apart, she bent at the waist dropping her head between her legs, hoping that this new position, with a little help from gravity would help her not only find the last few pins in the tangle of nylon strands, but maybe loosen them. After a few moments she rolled her eyes back and began cursing loudly at another failed attempt, which is why she failed to hear the cabin door open.

Jordan stepped into the cabin and froze. In front of him were Beth's long, toned legs, still encased in those green "fuck me" boots. Since she had wrapped her leg around him on stage, he'd had some wicked thoughts about taking her hard, whilst she wore nothing but the boots. The sight before him however outdid anything her had dreamed up whilst playing nice for the fans.
Following the line of the boot from heel to top, to the smooth tanned skin above, and upwards, to where a generous portion of her gorgeous ass peeked out from beneath her hot pants. Between her legs, he could make out her torso. Her generous breasts giving in to gravity, and trying to free themselves from the top of her corset. His eyes drew back to the delicious curve of her ass, and he stepped forward, hands outstretched to cup the peachy globes, when she suddenly righted herself, forcing him to take a step back. Her hands dove into her hair as she continued to swear loudly, and he found himself asking "babe, you ok?"

Beth span at the sound of his voice, and looked a little abashed as she admitted. "I can't get the wig off, I can't get to the pins."
Tenderly he turned her, flipping the sticky tendrils aside before deftly finding and removing the pins.
Once free of the wig Beth shook her own hair loose, before turning to thank him, only to find him looking at the wig in puzzlement.
"Babe," he began "did you know your hair smells like the floor of a whorehouse bar?"
Beth screwed her nose up at the analogy, but nodded sadly and explained.
"One of your cray-crays called me a whore and threw her drink on me." she sniffed at herself then added "I really need a shower."
Jordan stepped forward, his hands sliding along her cheeks, into her hair, as he told her "you're as beautiful as ever." Before kissing her tenderly. "However," he added, breaking the kiss and reaching for the first hook and eye of her corset, sliding his finger into her cleavage "if you are insistent on showering, four hands soap better than two!" And with a saucy wiggle of his eyebrows, he undid the first clasp.

Beth gasped as Jordan's talented fingers slowly inched down through her cleavage, unpopping the hooks and eyes at the front of her corset as he went. As his lips lowered to follow in his fingers path she groaned low in her throat, her hands moving to his hair, her nails gently scraping his scalp as she writhed against his lips. Once he had made it halfway through his task, Jordan paused, and grinned wickedly, before reaching up between the loosened front of her corset and pulling the sides apart to reveal her breasts to his gaze.

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