I blow out some bubbles
And let out a high pitched squeal
Waving around my makeshift staff
Thinking that magic is real
I run around without a care in the world
And look up smiling to the sky
My parents look at me fondly
as I pretend that I can fly
First day of school
I’m all nervous and excited
My mom kisses me goodbye
And I skip out, delighted
At thirteen now
I crinkly my nose
When my dad tries to kiss me
So I shut my door close
I’m so elated
When my first boyfriend comes around
Until I catch him cheating
Leaving my heart on the ground
My first year of college
I’m far away from home
I’ve always wanted this
But now, I feel so alone
I cry myself to sleep
The first time I’m faced with death
I’m wishing I never grew up
That I’m still in my little bed
I see my teary-eyed parents
When I walk down the isle
And after our I do’s
I say I’ll see them in awhile
The first time I hold my child
I think of when I wanted to grow up
And as I close my eyes
I think, Please don’t ever grow up