Part 3 : A small kick

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The sound of pan clanging against the stove started to echo in the kitchen as Kacchan flipped over the chicken cutlet he cut perfectly a few moment ago . It made a beautiful sizzling sound that made Izuku hummed in content as he waited patiently for the finished product .

" It smells delicious , Kacchan . What did you put into the chicken ?" , he leaned his head against his shoulder and stared at his husband questioningly .

He shrugged slightly , " Eh , it's a secret . A chef can't tell the customer his secret recipe ~ ", the man cooed and continued to flip the chicken over perfectly . Little did Deku know , even Kacchan himself does not know what the hell did he even put in the chicken to make it smell delicious .

Was it oregano ? Salt ? Basil ? Sugar ? Black pepper ? Brown sugar ?

Bakugou gulped down his own saliva as he stared down at his own abomination he created in the pan he was holding . Does he even had the heart to feed his beloved husband this ... This unknown dish ?!

Kick .

Izuku flinched at the sudden impact inside his stomach and made a rather loud gasp . It stopped Kacchan from cooking because he was worried as hell if something were to happen anything towards his husband .

" What is it ? Do you wanna pee ? Is your stomach okay ? Want me to call the doctor ? " , Bakugou rushed over towards Izuku after he turned off the stove . Kneeling down beside him as he looked at Izuku worriedly .

" No ... It's not that . It's just that the baby kicked ! Here , come and feel it . Our baby is healthy it seems " , Izuku slid up his dress to reveal his rather bloated stomach so Kacchan could put his palm on where the kicking is .

Bakugou seemed to hesitate at first . He was scared that if he did held it , what will happen ? Is it going to be okay ? Won't his touch hurt the baby ? The blonde was lost . It was the first time the baby has kicked and it shocked him more than Izuku . Bakugou was lost in his own thoughts and almost decided to not touch it out of fear on hurting their future child inside .

But then ...

A soft pair of hands held Bakugou's strong ones . The taller male glanced at Izuku who gave him an reassuring smile that managed to blow his fear away . God , his smile could even melt the ice in anyone's heart because it's too shiny and pure . 

" It's okay , Kacchan . It won't hurt the baby ... Come and feel it . Feel our child's kick " , Izuku grins sweetly and slowly pulls Bakugou's hands to the place where the baby is kicking . Kacchan started to feel slightly confident when he felt a soft kick inside and his face washed over with excitement .

" What the ... Is that.. Is that our child's kick ? Is it ? Oh my go- I can't . This is true , right ? " , Bakugou teared up but in the manliest way he can . He held back the stomach slightly and his palm felt another strong kick . That moment finally made the future father cried in happiness . Even with the slightest movement of their baby , Bakugou was terrifyingly excited with their unborn child inside Izuku's womb . It was a feeling only fathers could feel that time .

" Kacchan , come on . If you cry , I'll cry too " , Izuku replied with his eyes already filled with tears and a wavering smile that is close to break into a sobbing mess . His small fingers softly wiped the blonde's tears away .

" I'm not crying , Izuku ! It's just .. dusts got into my fucking eye , okay ?! " , he muttered as he held back a sob . He assured Izuku to not cry too because both of them might not be able to stop in any time soon .

He was literally the happiest man in the world right now .

Izuku chuckled at the cute lie his husband made . He nodded slightly when Kacchan told him not to cry or even tease him for crying because he wasn't but it was obvious that the man cried . Bakugou was just too egotistical to admit . " Okay .. Okay .. Sure , it's the dusts , I get ya " , the boy joked around .

Both of them gave a hearty laugh and enjoyed the moment as a family and as a couple together .

-- 5 minutes later --

" Anddd , it is done ! " , Bakugou served the instant ramen with chicken cutlet topped over the warm noodles . He even poured a glass of milk and warmed it in an oven just to make sure Izuku were getting enough calcium for himself and the baby inside .

" Wow ! It looked just like katsudon !" , Izuku gleefully commented before chowing down the food . It seems like Bakugou managed to cool down his husband's cravings for today . Thank lord .

Upon finishing the food , Izuku started to drink the milk . The blonde raised an eyebrow when he saw how the green haired boy ate as if nothing was wrong with the food . He slowly dip his finger into the soup when Izuku was not looking and tasted the ramen and the leftover cutlet . He mouth stopped moving after a few tastes .

Gross . What the fuck ?

Bakugou almost choked at his own creation . It was so salty and was just plain disgusting . He even had to run to the fridge to get some beer to ease his wanting to puke in front of Izuku . The food was horrible . Finishing the whole can of cheap beer , he wiped the end of his mouth and took some deep breath .

His eyes horrifyingly stared at Izuku Midoriya , his gullible oblivious small husband , who managed to eat that crap without complaining or even choking from his food like what he did just now .

" How the hell did you eat that ? " , Kacchan spoke in a shaky voice . Izuku who just finished his big glass of milk cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head in confusion . " Was it bad ? I don't know .. It looked just like katsudon that I don't even mind the taste anymore . I did told you I wanted to eat it that badly" , Izuku murmured as he pouted a little .

A moment of silence immediately filled within the gaps after Kacchan froze in place when he heard the ridiculous reply .

" Ah , I wanna pee ... ", Izuku stood up from the stool and slowly walked himself out from the kitchen leaving his husband dumbfounded .

Bakugou gritted his teeth and muttered under his breath , " then why the hell did I had to go through all that trouble to cook when you can eat even without the taste ?!" . He wanted to scream but instead he washed the dishes roughly in the middle of the night .

Bakugou is such a good devoted husband .


Thank you so much for reading !! It means a lot to me but do vote it if you want , its okay if you don't want to . I can't force ya , haha . I'm just sooo in love with pregnant deku that I might end up doing this fanfic longer than expected , so stay tuned ! ♡(∩o∩)♡

Give comments so I can improve my story in the future ! Thanks again ! ♡

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