Chapter 13 - One Hour

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Flora's POV

"For fucks sake Flora, stop FIDGETING!" Lauren grumbles, tugging lightly on my hair. "I'm trying to do your hair here!"

"Sorry, I'm just excited! Is that not allowed?" I sulk, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yes, of course it is! But you could do it more discretely!" she snaps.

"And what exactly do you mean by that!" I snap back at her.

"I mean by calming down and stopping being so restless!" Lauren tugs on my hair, harder this time.

"OW!" I yell. "Ha! You're one to talk! At yo--" I'm cut off by a knock at the door and Louis walking in.

"Only me! Now, now, ladies calm down! I could hear you from down the corridor!" he goes over to kiss Lauren.

"Sorry. You look great. Is Harry ready?" I ask as Lauren rolls her eyes at me.

"Thank you." he smiles. "And 'is Harry ready'? Flora, he's been ready for the past two hours!" Louis laughs.

"Oh..." I say.

"Well so would you have done, if you'd sat down and actually let me help you!" Lauren says.

"Aww, babe c'mon, it's not her fault! She's just excited, that's all! I bet you were just as bad at our wedding!" Louis strokes hair back from Lauren's face.

"She was..." I mutter.

"Shut up!" Lauren snaps.

"Calm down, love! I know the baby's due soon, but you don't have to take it out on Flora, okay?" Louis hugs her tightly as I stand up, letting my dress sweep to the floor. "Wow, Flora, you look great!" Louis says.

Lauren raises her eyebrows at me. "Oh my God! You look stunning!" she gasps. "And I'm sorry I yelled at you!" she hugs me.

"It's okay!" I hug her back. "And do I really look that pretty?" I say.

"YES!" Lauren and Louis grin.

"Aww!" I blush. I go over to stand in front of the mirror, and look at my reflection. I can't believe it's me! My dress is so perfect, falling softly to the ground, the sleeves just covering my shoulders. There are tiny jewels sewn all over it that glisten every time I move. My shoes have heels high enough so that I can reach Harry without having to stand on my tiptoes. Lauren has curled my hair so it falls in beautiful loose waves past my shoulders and down my back. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I look in the mirror.

"Lauren..." I whisper. I turn round to see that my best friend has her hand over her mouth and her eyes look glazed over. "Are you crying?" I say.

"No, no, of course I'm not silly!" she turns round and wipes her eyes on Louis' shirt.

"Oi!" Louis exclaims.

"Now, don't ruin my work!" Lauren ignores her husband, dabbing at my face and trying to sort out my make up.

"Well, I'd better get going. But you both look beautiful, and I'll make sure Harry knows what to expect!" Louis winks.

"Don't you dare tell him what the dress looks like!" I threaten.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell him it's yellow with bright green polka dots!" he laughs.

"Yes, please do!" I laugh too.

Louis kisses Lauren and pecks me on the cheek. "The dress fit okay over the bump?" he asks Lauren.

"Yes, it's fine! Now go! You shouldn't even be in here!" Lauren pushes him out the door and shuts it behind him.

I sigh, sitting down on the hotel room bed. Lauren comes over and joins me. Her bump is huge now, especially because she's having twins.

"You okay, Flora?" she asks. I nod. "Soooo..." she grins. "How does it feel to know that in just over an hour you'll be Mrs Flora Styles?"

"What? An HOUR! Is that all? Oh wow... err, I dunno. I don't think there's a strong enough word to describe how I feel!" I say.

"And the baby?" Lauren continues.

I look down. I have no bump yet, as I'm only a couple of weeks pregnant. "The baby's good actually." I say.

"Good!" Lauren grins.

Just then there's a knock at the door and my mum walks in. "Err, the past--" she sees me and stops talking. "Oh my God! Honey you look fabulous!" she looks like she's going to cry.

"Mum, please don't cry!" I beg as she hugs me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful!"

"Anyway mum, you were saying?" I laugh as she dabs at her eyes with a tissue that Lauren handed her.

"Err... oh yes! The pastor says if you're ready, you can have the wedding early!" she smiles.

"What?" I look back at Lauren who looks just as surprised as me. "Do-does Harry know?" I stutter.

"Oh yes! And he says he doesn't mind what you want, just take as long as you need. He just wants to marry you, he said."

"Aww, he's so sweet!" I say. "Err, okay... I think I'm ready to get married!" I say.

"Really?" my mum and Lauren say in unison.

"Yes!" I nod.

"Let's go!" Lauren takes the train of my dress and we walk from the hotel room.

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