Finale - Happy Endings

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Flora's POV

"Urgh." I grunt as I wake up to the sound of a heavy BANG that sounds like it came from the bedroom of my baby daughter, Daisy.

Wait a minute... why would there be a loud noise coming from DAISY'S room?!

I shoot up out of bed, in a sudden frantic and very maternal panic. I don't bother switching on any lights as I go and quickly whirl back round to call Harry.

"Harry!" I say, not bothering to lower my voice seen as Daisy's cries of terror are proving that she's awake. "HARRY!" I say louder, and when there's no response I sigh, making my way over to the bed. I suddenly jump onto it, hoping to jolt Harry awake. Then I realise, Harry isn't there. Instead I hit the cool, white bed sheets. I frown and glance at the clock... why the hell would Harry be up at midnight on... Christmas Morning?!

I suddenly remember what day it is and grin, but then Daisy's loudening cries snap me out of my happiness. I dash through to her room next door and lift her tiny frame from her cot.

She instantly quietens down as she stares up at me with her gorgeous green eyes. I smile back at her and she whimpers slightly. I realise she's cold and feel for her favourite fluffy blanket that I think Harry left somewhere in her cot when he put her to bed last night.

"Hey, hey. shh... shh, it's okay. Mummy's here." I whisper to her through the darkness of the room. I give up searching for her blanket with the lack of light and flick on the main bulb in her room. I sit down on the little rocking chair by her bed and wrap her up in the blanket. Her breathing steadies out and I realise that she's asleep. but I continue to rock her in an attempt to maintain the peace.

It doesn't work of course. As I look ahead of me into Daisy's bedroom, I notice that there's a huge (and I mean HUGE) box in the corner. I nearly jump out of my own skin. let alone the chair!

I slowly but hesitantly get up and go over to the box. I keep Daisy instinctively close to me, and read a small note that's taped to the side.

Open me!

Is all it says. I glance down at Daisy, and bite my lip. What if it's something dangerous!?

"What do you think it is, Dais?" I ask my daughter and she gurgles slightly in her sleep.

I sigh and slowly start to tug on the purple ribbon that's tying the lid of the box up.

Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, the lid falls away and something shoots up out of it.

"ARGGHHHHHH!" I scream, jumping back in fright. This of course wakes Daisy up and she begins to screech and cry again.

"Oh, shit." I now realise that the something that jumped up was in fact my husband.

"HARRY!" I shout as I gently hush Daisy and she eventually falls back asleep. "What the hell did you do that for!?" I snap as I tuck our baby back into her cot.

"Happy Christmas?" Harry grins nervously at me.

"Oh..." I mutter when I see a piece of what looks an awful lot like mistletoe drooping in his hand. "Harry, were you trying to... surprise me?"

"Did it work?" he asks.

"Hell yeah!" I laugh. "You bloody terrified me!"

"Aww, sorry..." he pouts and I take a step towards him. I stay a bit far away from him just to tease him, and it works.

"C'mere!" he mutters. I shake my head. He rolls his green eyes and leans forward to pull me quickly in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

"Merry Christmas, Flora!"

"Merry Christmas, Harry!"


A/N Sooooo that's the end of Going The Distance! I hope you liked it and it didn't bore you, haha!

If you fan/vote/comment, then I love you okay!? Okay.

Now that's settled... thank you so so much for reading!

My Twitter: @AliceTommo

Flora's Twitter: @StylesSlags

Lauren's Twitter: @LaurenCleary__


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2012 ⏰

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