Chapter 22 - Reassuring

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Harry's POV

I watch Flora, the way she sits beside me staring at Harry Jr's little face. He's still sleeping but even so she still seems completely besotted by him. I move closer to her and kiss her lightly on the cheek. She looks up at me and smiles, a really really happy one too. It's almost as if she feels a mother-son bond with the twins, even though they're only our soon-to-be godsons.

"They're so cute when they're sleeping!" she says quietly, moving her eyes back to the baby.

"Mmmm, I know. Most peaceful part of the day don't you think?" I mutter, looking from her to Harry Jr and then to Tyger again. He's sleeping just as restfully as his twin brother, his chest moving up and down as he breathes.

"Yeah definitely!" Flora laughs.

Tyger slowly eases his big blue eyes open and a small cry erupts from his tiny body. This of course wakes Harry Jr, who cries as well, thrashing his little legs about.

"Oops, spoke too soon!" I sigh, gently lifting Tyger up onto his feet on my lap. He looks at me with his adorable eyes inquisitively and shuts up.

"What kind of magic are you working there, Styles!?" Flora says as she softly shushes and rocks Harry in her arms.

"Just lift him up on your knees so he can see your face, it'll comfort him to know he isn't alone." I say matter-of-factly.

Flora does as I say and sure enough he stops crying and looks thoughtfully at her, holding her face between his teeny hands.

"Aw there we go!" I say bouncing Tyger up and down.

"We might as well do something motivational with them now they're awake..." Flora mutters.

"Sure, we could take them for a walk in the park?" I suggest.

"Sounds like a plan!" Flora gets up and carries Harry into the bedroom. I follow and help her find some appropriate clothes to dress them in. We eventually pick out a pair of tan shorts for each boy and a red stripy tee-shirt for Harry and a blue one for Tyger. We swiftly dress them and strap them carefully into their pram. Flora seems nervous that we haven't done it properly.

"What if they fall out!?" she panics, even though she's checked and double-checked that everything is completely safe for them.

"Babe, stop worrying! They're perfectly safe!" I place my hands on her shoulders and gently squeeze them reassuringly.

"Okay, okay!" she mumbles, hastily picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder and pushing the pram out into the warm early-summer air. I slip my hand through hers and we walk along in silence for the first few minutes. We get to the park and settle down on a bench under a blossom tree.

"Mmmm, this is nice. To get some fresh air!" Flora says quietly, shutting her eyes and breathing in the summery scents. I do the same, the air is filled with that beautiful, lingering flowery smell you get when you're surrounded by flowers.

"Ahem..." I jump out my skin and feel Flora do the same next to me. I open my eyes to see this sweet little old lady smiling at us. "Errm, hello there my dears. I just thought I'd come over to say what a lovely pair of babies you have there!" she says, cooing softly at the twins, who make unaudible sounds and clap their little hands.

"Aww, thank you. But they're not our sons. they're our godsons, our friend's babies." I smile at her.

"But we are having our own baby soon!" I add, gently patting Flora's small bump. She places a hand on top of mine.

"Oh well that's lovely! I'm sure you two will be wonderful parents!" she says. "Well anyway, I'd better get back to my husband over there. It was lovely to meet you!" she gestures towards on old man on another bemch and he waves nervously at us, we smile back. The lady potters off and we look at each other.

"I think she's right y'know. I think we're going to be great parents!" I smile at Flora and kiss her gently as she blushes.

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