Chapter Two

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Sauda woke up. She stood up and glanced around. She saw Jake talking to his friend, Tambo. Sauda walked up to them.

"Hello," She chirped. "What's up?"

"The sky, duh!" Tambo hissed.

"No, she means what's going on," Jake squeaked.

"Oh," Tambo said. "Um, well, nothing is going on. Today my mom's going to teach me how to hunt."

"Cool!" Sauda chirped. "I want to hunt! I want to be a great hunter!"

Jake rolled his eyes and hissed, "You can't hunt. Your white pelt will alert prey, and possibly preadators!" His voice was sharp with scorn.

Sauda cowered into the grass, embarrassed of her fur. She hissed softly, "Leave me alone."

The two cubs walked away from the albino. Sauda lifted her head over the grass and glanced around. She then stood back up. Suddenly, she heard the grass rustle behind her. She spun around, only to see two female cheetah cubs.

"Hi, Ndidi and Rufaro," Sauda chirped. She smiled when she saw them. Finnaly, She thought. Someone who won't be rude to me.

Rufaro chirped, "Did those two males tease you?" She giggled.

Sauda nodded slowly. "They did. Why would they make fun of me?" She lashed her tail with anger. "It's just fur!"

Ndidi shrugged. "I don't know. Who cares what they think. Their oppinions don't matter!"

The albino squeaked, "Well their oppinions hurt." She raked her claws down the moist earth. "If they bother me again I'll shred them!" She glared at her paws and said, "They're not so strong."

Rufaro chirped, "Yeah. I'm sure you'll be a way better hunter than them!"

Sauda smiled. "Really? You think I will?"

Ndidi nodded. "Yes, really! You're so agile and very fast at running! I bet you can beat Tambo at a race. He is sort of fast."

"Okay," The albino said. "I challange him to a race!"

"I'll go get him!" Rufaro squeaked.

"I have allready heard."

The cubs turned around and saw Tambo standing behind them. He scowled at Sauda.

Tambo hissed, "I won't let a little white-furred freak beat me in a race."

Sauda cowered down. "Okay," She squeaked. "You can win, if you want to."

The male cub smiled. "I will win even if you didn't let me."

Ndidi snapped, "You're such a jerk! Stay away from her!"

Tambo laughed. "You can't do anything about it. You're weak as well."

Rufaro growled, "Shut up! Stop hurting her feelings!"

Sauda stood up and hissed, "If you want a race, then you'll get a race. I will not let you win, though."

"You don;t have to," Tambo said. He stood next to her. "Let's begin, shall we?"

The albino nodded. "Yes."

Ndidi announced, Okay! So, you will run all the way up to that boulder way over there and then you will run back to me. Who ever reaches me first, wins!"

Sauda glared at the boulder in the distance. She ccrouched down, ready to sprint.

"Go!" Ndidi yowled.

The cubs sprinted towards the boulder. Tambo was in frount of the albino, the dirt kicking up from his paws flying into her face. It made her eyes water. Sauda shook her head and ran faster. She made a sharp turn around the boulder and sprinted towards Ndidi. She swiftly passed by Tambo and reached Ndidi.

"You won!" The cub exclaimed.

Sauda smiled, panting.

"No!" Tambo hissed, running up to the albino. "I demand a rematch!"

Ndidi laughed. "Forget it. Sauda's faster than you."

"I will not be beaten by a little freak!" The male cub growled. He glared at teh albino and clawed her on her face.

Sauda squeaked in pain and cowered down with fear. Blood welled down the claw-marks. A tear rolled down her muzzle.

"Jerk!" Rufaro hissed. She almost pounced on him, but Jasiri walked up to the cubs.

He looked furious. "What on earth is going on here?" He asked.

Tambo squeaked, "I'm sorry."

Jasiri glared at his daughter. He gasped when he saw her scars. "Who did this to you?"

"Tambo," Sauda whimpered.

The adult cheetah gazed at the cub. He bared his teeth at him and hissed, "Do not do that ever again! I will talk to your parents about your behavior."

Tambo sighed. "Okay."

Jasiri glared at his daughter and chirped, "Let's go."

Sauda glanced back at the other cubs and then followed her father back to her mother.

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