Chapter Six

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Sauda woke up on the river bank. She stretched out and stood up. She purred, "Good morning, mom." She paused and realized they were gone. The cub looked down and sighed. She then proceeded walking.

Many hours drifted by. Sauda was starting to get hungry. She laped up some of the water from the river and saw small fish swimming in it. She remembered that Jake hated it, so she knew she wouldn't like it. She soon noticed a herd of gazelles in the distance. She walked towards them and crept down. She began stalking a young one.

Sauda took off. The herd began running as well. Sauda leaped, but missed her catch. She regained her balance and tried again. She leaped anew and hooked onto her prey. She pinned it to the earth. Right before she was going to bite it's throat, she paused.

"Wait," She squeaked. "I can't kill a poor creature!"

The gazelle began thrashing. "Let go of me!" It yelled. It was a baby... And male.

Sauda glared at it. "Should I kill you so I can satisfy my hunger?" She asked.

He began hyperventilating. "Mom!" He exclaimed.

"Fine," Sauda said. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Mom told me to ever trust predators."

The albino scoffed. "I said I wasn't going to hurt you!"

The gazelle said, "Okay, whatever. Please, just let me go!"

Sauda released him.

The gazelle stood up and glanced around. "Oh no," He said. "I can't find my herd!" He began crying. "Now what will I do? I'm here stuck with a blood-thirsty cheetah!"

"Aw," Sauda said. She walked up to him and slapped him across his face with her tail. "Pull yourself together! You'll find them!"

The gazelle sighed. "Okay. Where are your parents?"

"They are..." The cub thought for a second. "Gone?"

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry. My name is Amadi. And you are?"

"Oh, Sauda."

Amadi glared at the cub. "You have white fur. So, your the albino cheetah?"

Sauda shrugged, and then paused. "Um, yes?"

"Cool!" The gazelle bounced around her. "We should go on a random adventure to nowhere in particular! You could find your family and I could find my herd! So, how about it, friend?"


"Wait-" Amadi said. "As long as you swear you will not eat me."

Sauda smiled. "Don't worry, I won't."

"Okay, then let's go!" He paused. "Wait, where are we going?"

"I'm following the river."


The albino cub and the gazelle proceeded walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2014 ⏰

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