Still Into You [Part 2]

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Genre: light Angst
Settings: post 2 moons
Warning: none

Bas' POV

"Happy Birthday, P'~" Bas greeted Matoom cheerfully. The celebrant is obviously delighted to see him because the latter hugs Bas as soon as he reached him.

"N'Bas! You're late! I thought you wouldn't come!" Matoom exclaimed after he lets him go.

"As if I could ditch your birthday, P! Just had a last minute meeting with my manager, sorry!"

"Well, what can I say? You're already a big star! But if you did ditched my party, I swear I am going to bully you again!"

Bas laughs at Matoom's exaggerated expression but obviously, the host is more excited because he hugs Bas again. Matoom didn't really change, he is still the silly P that never fails to bring a wide smile on Bas' face. He misses exchanging banters with him on sns but that couldn't be help since the main point why they are doing that isn't there anymore. Somehow, it made Bas feel sad but now is not the time for that.

"Happy Birthday, P'Matoom!" Another person made their appearance, standing beside Bas. The new comer casually put his arm on Bas' shoulder. Bas did not missed the surprised, mixed with questioning gaze from P'Matoom but thankfully, he didn't ask any questions nor tease them.

"Nong Joss!" Matoom hugs Joss as well but not as tight as the way he hugged Bas but still as appreciative.

The three of them are in the middle of catching up when a familiar stature caught Bas' attention. His eyes are immediately drawn to a tall man with broad shoulders and even though the man's back was on him, Bas immediately recognized who it is.

And his reaction is automatic. His heart starts beating rapidly and he tuned out the voices of Joss and Matoom.


It has been four months since Bas last saw him in person and aside from looking a bit thinner, nothing changes. No day passed by that Bas does not missed Godt. He misses him so much and Bas just realized as to what extent after seeing him in person again.

Godt, the intimidatingly handsome Godt, is still the only person that can coax such a reaction from Bas and at this point, Bas would like to believe that only him will be able do so. He is also starting to believe that first love will really have a big impact in someone's life whether that first love succeeded or not.

He no longer hope that it will succeed since everything ended between the two of them four months ago. But seeing Godt again, there is excitement inside Bas. The urge to go near him, to talk to him again... Even just as a friend...

To have Godt's attention solely to him...

Bas wants to call out his name but he tries his best not to...

Just like what he did four months ago...


A/N: I wrote Gxxod's POV a few months ago and tbh, I just remembered that I have this story after I saw DJ Matoom's Birthday Party 😂 Gxxod and Joss was there but no Bas (afaik) though~ Anw, I might write what happened four months ago if I'm still feeling angsty tomorrow~ If I'm not, I might write a fluffy or sexy fic hahahaha Thank you for reading ;)

PS: I actually did left the status of JossxBas ambiguous, I can give you answers on later chapters hahaha idk when will that be though

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