Chapter 3

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Narrator's Pov

Everyone in The room had a shock expression in The room.Jake was angry because His kid sister was raped and now pregnant for someone who no one knows.

Seeing that Jake is angry "Son,why don't you go for a run and come back when you have control your anger?"Mr. Cole says

Jake left the room almost knocking the door off it's hinge.Nova bust out crying ."Why me?"Adama got up from the chair she was sitting and sat beside her Friend Trying to comfort her with smoothing words

"Its ok,everything will be ok.Don't you worry,you have us and we will help you ." she said this while she is silently crying

"Can you all Please leave ? I want to be left alone ."Nova said"Darling are you sure you dont want any of us to stay with you?" her mother questioned with concern and sadness in her eyes .

"Yes, just go. I'll be ok"Nova whispered "ok"

As soon as The door was closed she got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom she sat on the toilet's cover and started

She opened The cabinet and found a first aid kit she opened it

Nova's Pov

I opened The kit looking for a blade or anything sharp that can make deep cuts i  found a razor

I took it and start cutting my wrist with it "i can't take it "i say to myself crying .i kept on cutting myself until i everything goes dark

                 .                  Jake's Pov

After going for a run,i went to Nova's room feeling the need to check up on her and See if she ok.I know,yes she can't be ok but to at least See if she is safe .

Upon reaching her room, i feel uneasy.I entered and saw her bed empty i knock on the bathroom door to know if she's in there

"Are you in here nov?"(A/N The nickname Jack gave her when they were kids)

No answer .I repeatedly kept on knocking feeling impatient i went in.I gasp
from the sight

In front of me i saw Nova laying on The bathroom floor in a pool of her own blood .I lifted her from The floor and layed her on the bed in her hospital room .

I pressed the button beside to bed to signal the doctor to her room.

The doctor and nurses rushed in "Mr Cole i need you to leave the room" i just nod MY head and left.

I was so angry and sad when i saw her laying in her own blood 'she tried to Kill herself'.

I called my Dad and told him what happened

"Dad, Please come to the hospital"

''Is everything ok son''

"No everything is not ok. She tried to Kill herself''


We're on own way "

"Ok dad" i hangup

Moment later

"Where is she?Is she ok?Can i See her?" MY worried mother asked

"She's in,the doctor is treating her"


                                  HRS LATER

The doctor and nurses came out "Doc. how is she "

"She's safe now,she lost a lot of blood since The cuts went in too deep but we bandage it up and gave her blood .She will be ok"

"Thankyou "

"Can we See her "

"Yes of course"

Hey guys,sorry for The late update
i have been really busy with school work and i have not been able to update for you guys

And am sorry  for a very short Chapter I'll make sure The next chapter will be long

Please vote and give me feedback



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