Chapter 2

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Nova's Pov

'Can someone Please turn it off' i thought i keep hearing a beeping sound ,my eyes are closed so i tried to open them but they were glued shot

I tried again,but it's still the same,i tried once more and i was blinded by bright light so i shot my eyes and opened them again to adjust to my surrounding

I notice that am in a room covered in white.My head's hurting me and i can't feel my arms.I saw my mom crying and MY dad trying to calm her down

'Am i dead '

I thought to myself.I tried talking but my throat hurts like sh*t  then i started coughing to get their attention

My parents rushed beside me "Honey,are you ok?"my mom asked her eyes filled with concern

"Sweedy, call the doctor"mom said to dad who left the room to call the doc.

I tried using my hand to signal my mom that i need water and this time by mind was able to control my body

I pointed to my throat ,when she understood she gave me a cup of water with straw .The taste of water was heavenly in my mouth .

A few minutes later the door was opened and i saw a man in white hospital coat with glasses behind my father .He must be in his late 40's ,i guess he was the doctor

He ask me how i was feeling "Not so good,my body hurts"i answered he nod his head and writes something on the clipboard he's holding he then look up to me and said

"Ms.Cole,you will be discharged by tomorrow but first you need to undergo some tests ."


He left the room then Jake,Dan and Adama came in ."Hey,what happened when we went to get my purse ,because when we came back you were on the ground bleeding"Dan ask

"I was Raped i can't seem to remember a thing only been raped is what i remembered, i just don't want to talk about it so Please don't ask any questions"

"hm" Adama said

I feel sore down my core and i don't even want to remember what happened cuz it hurts so much

"How long have i been in here"i asked "two days"Jack said for the first time since he entered."Oh"

The doctor came back with a nurse "Ms.Cole i am going to take a blood sample and a pee sample to do the test and we already examined you ,there was no damage done"he finished by handing me a sample to pee in.

"You can use the bathroom"the nurse said

Getting up from the bed hurt, i went to The bathroom ,pee in the cup ,wash my hand and gave it to the nurse

"We going to do The test in The lab and we will bring back The results ,here are some painkillers to ease The pain "he said giving it to me

i just nod my head after taking The painkillers i felt dizzy so i lay down and slept

                            3hrs later
I Wake up feeling a bit ok and the pain i felt hours ago had subside.Looking around the hospital room i See my brother sleeping on the chair next to my bed

Trying to make myself sit up ,he sense MY movement and rush to the bed "Are you ok?"he questions me

"Yeh" i replied. Looking at His face i can See he looks like he has not slept for a day or two .His eyes are filled with  sorrow,fatigue and anger.

"Um,Jack don't worry about me ,you need to rest ok"he look at me "Do you remember who did it?" i look at His with a confused expression "Who did what?"

"Don't act dumb,i mean the guy who.......ra" His words were cut short when our parents,the doctor,nurse and my bestfriends came in.

"The result will be out in some few minutes but,am here to take you to the X-ray room to do a x-ray check on you to See if any part of your body is damage"

The nurse and Jack help me to get off the bed and sit on the wheelchair she bought in.

I am been wheel to The x-ray room with my family behind me .We reach the room and i am currently laying on a bedlike thing.

After the scan,i am taken back to the hospital room am staying

                        Few minutes later
"The results are out" announced the doctor"i look at everyOne in The room and notice they are All egar to know the result

"Can we Please hear it "Dad asked looking at the doctor "Yes, we ran a blood sample test to see if she contacted any disease or infection and all came out negetive" he sigh.

"As for the x-ray scan, we found out that she has temporary amnesia which is the reason why she cant seen to remember anything more about the incident,like the fac of The person of even the name and my advice for all of you is to not ask her any questions relating to what happen until she feels safe and ready to talk about it"he says

"So are you saying nova doesn't trust us enough to tell us what happen?"Adama asked

"Am not saying she does not trust any of you but it's a very complicated situation that should be handle with care " he reply

"any more questions or should i continue"he ask The room was quiet so he

"We also ran a pregnancy test and am sorry to say This but you are pregnant

Nova is pregnant
wow didnt See that coming did ya

Thankyou guys for reading my book and Please feedback and vote


😍😍😘😘😘 Luv u guys


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