Chapter 5

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Hello guys , in this chapter you are going to experience some time lapse .

Side note
**The photo at the top is what I envision Nova to look like ,but if it's not to your liking you can use you imagination 😉**

Three Years later
Nova's POV

The purpose of our lives is to be happy. ~Dalia Lama

In my opinion I think the purpose of life is to be faced with problems and to find solution for you to continue living ...

My life has faced its fair share of problems . I was raped , and I got pregnant , I even tried to kill myself . I gave birth ,and I wanted to give my child up for adoption .

But with every trials and tribulations I faced my family was always by my side......

I was sitting on the porch,watching my son and the other pups run around. "Javier , come inside and have your lunch" he came running towards me.. " Slow down honey "

I went into the kitchen and gave him two slices of sandwich and a glass of apple juice. "Thank you mommy" he said . "You're welcome dear , now eat your food while I go prepare your bath ."

By the time I was done filling the tub for his afternoon bath, he was already finish eating . I bathe him and put him to bed for his nap time .

I moved out of my parents home , a few months ago when I turned 18 . My parents insisted on me staying so they can help out ,but I didn't want to be a bother so I disagreed. I live about two houses down from their home .

I live alone with my son but sometimes my annoying best friends like to overstay their welcome . I work at a diner and the pack hospital to make a living for Javier and I ...

It took me a long time to move on with my life and love my son . Right now , I'm taking online course in Business Management. I want to be an Independent woman and I don't need a mate


Time Skip

My phone starts ringing, i look at the caller and see it says " Bad gal" I pick the call knowing it's Adama

"Hello" i answered" Hi girlfriend, so i know tomorrow is your day off ,and I was thinking maybe we could go to the mall and buy some clothes , and maybe you could help me buy some lingerie,and have a girls day out " she said

"No" i respond "C'mon Nova please" she begged " I said No , you can go with Danny" i replied " Danny??" She shouted I remove the phone away from my ear

"Yes ,Danny" i replied "No, it's a girls day out.. Please... I'll take care of Javier and the house for a week" she negotiated"No, one month" i said "Two weeks and I'll take Javier to school" she continued " Deal"

i accepted"Yay ,thank you . We will leave tomorrow at 11am ok" she said ecstatic"Okay" I ended the call and went to bed . Tomorrow is going to be a long day .

The mid morning sun blinded me straight in the eyes the second I cracked them open.

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