Assessment :3

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Dean walks in and smirks "Oh well if it isn't a humphries"  Alan snares at Dean Eric adds in "hey wait I thought he wasn't allowed in here" Will tuts and pushes his glasses in "Oh there'll be no need for your concern Mr Slingby as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't be in here"

Eric protests "No I won't let you break the rules I thought you were meant to acess him" Will grunts "Humphries you're not making this any easier you obviously weren't listening to begin with I acess he observes"

Eric grunts "I'm not going anywhere I don't want him to get hurt" Will raises  his voice "Slingby you'll get out and stay out if you wish to keep your job" Eric pleads slightly "my one request will is you let no harm come to alan"

Will says "Oh very well now go" Eric kisses Alan's cheek then walks off" Dean sniggers slightly "Aww that boy has feelings for you how cute not love bleugh" alan grunts "So what if I like him why would you care you used to treat me horribly I don't think anythings changed"

Dean sighs and smirks "you can keep your mouth shut you gobby little brat" Alan smirks and laughs "look I'm not here for a fight about my past I'm here to be acessed"

Dean says "So you will be" Will sighs and pushes his glasses in for the one thousandth time "Father you will only do your part no beating to a full extent I am a man of my word and you will not ruin that"

Dean says "Ugh you've become like him" Will says "Father I will not protest now enough of this begin already"

Dean smirks "They say we shinigamis always share a soft side" His eyes glow green as he bears his eyes on Alan

Alan says "Oh so you think that'll scare me" Dean smirks darkly "Oh now throw me a punch then haha don't be afraid I have will's orders that I can't harm you ugh I thought I was called here to have fun then"

Will says "Father don't make me tell him what happened all them years" Dean "My son you wouldn't do anything of the sort"

Will smirks "oh trust me I can just be as worse as you now stop being rude and just observe already if you can't do a simple task as that I can always do it myself oh wait I can" he shows him all his qualification badges

Dean smirks and says "Fine my boy be this way I did not raise you to be so defiant but as I leave I'm not walking away unsatisfied" Dean roughly punches Alan dean then runs off laughing

Upon Alans nose blood appears Eric can't contain himself and walks back into the room "Will was this you?!" Eric looks angrily at will Alan says "Eric it wasn't him it was his father"

Eric sighs "Oh really" Will sighs too "Slingby you have no idea what he's capable of he's hated the humphries since alans fathers beat him in a combat fight all them years ago he still holds a grudge you know"

Eric Holds Alan close "I'm sorry that Dean hurt ya" He dabs alans nose until the bleeding stops Alan relaxes slightly and enjoys the moment

Will says "I just thought you should know Alan we're half siblings we have the same mother but different fathers"

Alan "Oh I know" Smiles at will "You do? Alan smirks and says "Yeah" He hugs alan will hugs back as the day draws to an end

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