4. Ryker

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"You think you can cross onto my lands and get away with it?" I snarled at the blood covered rogue who didn't put up a fight since I began interrogating him. We've been in this dark and cold cell for hours and yet he's done nothing to free himself from the chains that were connected to the cement wall

"You're more pathetic then I thought" I growled grabbing him by the throat and making him look at me. His eyes, a soft blue with specks of gold, glanced at me and I saw emotions fleet around his eyes as he shook in my grip. There were scars both old and new littering his body. Fresh blood drenched his once white shirt, his jeans were ripped at the knees as his hair was matted on top of his head.

"I mean no harm to you or your pack" he said as his voice cracked with each word and I scoffed while Zeb, Jeremy and Enzo laughed behind me but it was humorless laugh that had the hair on your neck standing on end, "I didn't mean to cross onto your territory"

"Just kill him already" Zeb said and I leaned forward on my seat and rested my hands on my knees with the cigarette hanging between my lips as smoke filled the small cell.

"You expect me to believe your bullshit?" I asked with a deadpanned expression on my face and he pleaded with his eyes as he whimpered. His eyes, they were a soft blue so unlike the red eyes I've grown to know.

"I promise you I don't mean you or your pack any harm. I'm just running away from my pack." He said. I could hear his heart beating at a steady pace as his voice cracked with each word spoken. He's been saying the same thing for hours. Not once did he change his statement, something a red eyed rogue would do. His eyes remained the same color they had been since I entered this cell. He didn't put up a fight when I punched him.

Didn't struggle to free himself since he was chained to the wall. All he did was beg and pleaded to be let go. Promised he wasn't a threat. But I also knew that promises are lies. Lies that can break your trust. That's what had happen to my Dad. He trusted his best friend who was a rogue and brought him home. Little did my dad know that his actions  would be the death of Rain, my older sister, and unborn nephew.

It's been four years since she was killed in cold blood by the man that I had grown to love as an uncle, I didn't care at the time that he was a rogue. To me he was the best person I've ever met in my life and he betrayed our trust by ambushing the pack when we were all asleep. My parents had been away on a business meeting leaving uncle Nick, his beta, to watch over the pack. He was the one who had killed Graig, in the end. My older sister, Rain, had been the first one killed. I killed the bastard that killed her in cold blood.

I hated rogues the second I saw Graig slamming his hand through Drew's, my 16 year old cousin's, chest ripping his heart out seconds before uncle Nick killed him. The smell of blood filled the air as rogue fell dead at our feet. I remember the sound of Evan, Rain's mate and husband as he held her in his arms.
My father blamed himself for her death, for Drew's death, for countless others deaths because he trusted a man that was a rogue.

I blamed him for my sister's death, for my unborn nephew's death, for my cousins deaths, for my pack members deaths. He was the reason I didn't have my sister or my nephew. He was the reason why Evan died two years later from heartbreak. He was the reason his oldest son and daughter were orphaned. It took me years to forgive him. We aren't as close as we had been 4 years ago and it was all because of the rogue he trusted and brought back to the house.

"I'm running from my pack" the rogue said breaking me out of my thoughts and I looked at him but his eyes were locked on the dirt covered floor

"Bullshit" Zeb snarled from behind me making the rogue look up and glance at my Beta.

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