5. Preston

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"Morning PJ," my dad greeted as I walked into the kitchen and I grinned

"Morning Dad, how did you sleep?" I asked walking over and giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to the fridge to grab the carton of milk and a plate from cardboard filing it up with milk before dumping some Fruit Loops cereal in and sitting across from him

"I've had better nights" he replied with a shrug making me frown. I could see the color of his eyes dulling with each passing day and it scared the crap out of me. He was looking thinner and thinner. He barely sleeps and if he does, he'll wake up screaming Mama's name. I wish he'd find someone to care for him, to love him but I know he won't. He loves his mate and no one can ever replace him.

"Why don't you start dating?" I asked and he shook his head

"No need. I already have one and though I can't physically touch him, I can in my dreams and that's enough" he said before giving me a look that said to drop the subject and I sighed nodding my head, "I know that you and your siblings want me to move on but it's hard. I don't need anyone if I have you and your siblings, Preston."

"I just want you to be happy" I mumbled and he reached over to ruffle my hair

"I know to do, bud, and I am happy. I don't need no one else in my life when I have my family" he said and I nodded.

We sat in silence the rest of breakfast before he got up and walked away and I watched him with a sad smile. If only he could find his second chance mate then he wouldn't be so lonely.

"What's with the long face?" I looked up to the sound of Jenna's voice and saw her standing in the doorway with a brow raised and arms crossed

"Just Dad" I said and she hummed walking over and running her fingers through my hair

"Losing a mate is difficult on anyone. Papa and Mama were together for two years before he died so it hurts a lot more than any mated wolf who has been together longer and then losing a mate" she said and I furrowed my brows, "He's still grieving, PJ, just give him time"

"Okay" I muttered making her smile

"Let's play chase like we always did when we were younger?" She asked and I blinked

"Aren't you a little old to be playing chase?" I teased and she narrowed her eyes hitting me on the back of the head

"I am not old, thank you very much" she said with a nod of the head making me chuckle

"Come on then" I said pushing off from my seat and grabbing tiny plate and putting it in dishwasher before walking out of the house through the sliding glass doors of the kitchen.

"UNCLE PJ! UNCLE PJ!" My nieces and nephews yelled as soon as they saw me and I grinned crouching to their level and holding my arms open for them to crush into.

"Hi little monsters" I greeted hugging them and they beamed up at me with wide eyes

"Can we pway catch?" Lesley, Jenna's three year old asked and I nodded

"Yay" the other four kids screamed in excitement

"see wolf! see wolf!" Jay, Jericho's youngest screeched clapping his hands and I laughed

"Ok ok, I need you to step back first" I said and they grinned before moving back so I could shift before awing when my russet colored wolf stood in front of them.

"Pwetty" Lesley mumbled and I locked her face making her squeal in delight before running away when I gave them a playful growl. My siblings were stood around and smirked in my direction and I cocked my head to the side before running after Jericho who was the closest but he ran into the woods with Josh and Jenna. The kids stayed back with Julianna. The pack watched in amusement as I chased my grown ass siblings as though they were still children.

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