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A/n I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️
Selena's pov
Ms. Grant said there were some boys looking at both Kara and my adoption papers. I was excited, but nervous. What if they didn't adopt us? Would anyone adopt us?

Aaron's pov
A few hours earlier.
This commercial is so sad! It's talking about all the children in adoption homes that don't have parents or guardians. I want to help out. " Guys, we should go adopt a kid. There's an adoption center uptown." I said. I wanted to give one or two of the kids a home. " I think that's a great idea! I actually thought about it, but I didn't think any of you would want to." Jack j said. " Let's go uptown. We can look at the adoption papers and stuff. But guys, this isn't like a pet. We would have to take care of them for probably around 10- 17 years. Then they could move out if they're ready, and start a life on their own. Are we all ok with this?" I asked.
Everybody nodded.

Everyone but Matt.

" Matt, is it not ok with you? " I asked.
" I don't know. It's not really that I don't want to, but that I don't really like the idea of having a kid to look after." He said. I was heartbroken. I hope I can get him to change his mind. " Matt, you wouldn't have to adopt them, or take care of them. We just need to be sure everyone is ok with it first." I said, I wasn't willing to give up without trying.
"Come on Matt! It'll help some kids out. It's for a good cause!" The other boys could see how much I wanted to save a kid or two, and helped me out.
" yeah. I guess it's cool with me. But if the kid gets hurt really bad it's not my fault and don't say I didn't warn you."
Yeah ok let's just go already!


Selena's pov.
"Hey Kara, I'm going down to ask if I can get a snack, do you wanna come with?" I asked. "No, thanks. I'm going to start drawing a barn." She replied. " okay. Do you want me to bring you anything?" I questioned. " just an apple please. " she said. " will do. Be right back." I said, walking out the door, then down the stairs. I reached the bottom of the stairs and called for Ms.Grant. She said she was in the room for all the adoption papers. I started walking to the adoption paper room, and opened the door. " Ms. Grant, would it be alright if I- oh. Are these the boys that were looking at our adoption papers?" I asked. " Yes. Selena, this is Aaron, Shawn, Cameron, Taylor, jack, jack, carter, Nash, Nash's brother Hayes, and lastly, Matt. "

I went over and shook hands with everyone, and introduced myself. "Hi everyone, I'm Selena. It's really nice to meet you all. You seem like such nice people. " I said with a smile. They all waved. " Oh, Ms.Grant, would it be alright if I got a snack for Kara and I ? We're both a little hungry. " I asked. " yes of course. Would one of you boys like to go with us and maybe find out more about her?" She asked, turning to the boys. " I'll go!" Aaron said. We walked out of the room on the way to the kitchen. I told Aaron about my aunt, he already knew about her passing away, but I told him why, and how amazing she was. " I'm really sorry to hear about you aunt, Selena. Loss is hard but it gets better I promise. It might seem dark and scary and sad right now, but I promise you," he looked me in my eyes. " it does get better." I started crying. All this talk about my aunt being so amazing and sweet made me sad again. She was an amazing person that I know Aaron would've loved. Aaron hugged me tight. " shh, Selena. It's going to be ok. You just cry it all out. It's ok." He said, trying to comfort me. But I knew it wasn't ok. It will get better later, but right now, it's not okay. My aunt, the one I loved dearly, the only family I had left, is gone. I cried harder, leaving tears all over Aaron's shirt. He stroked my hair, which helped calm me down a little. When I was done crying, I pulled away from the hug, and told him sorry about how wet his shirt was from my tears. He said it was ok, that he understood, and it was better to let it out, than keep it all bottled up inside just to erupt in a volcano of emotions.

Selena's pov.
   I took the snacks up to Kara, and told her about the boys, and asked her if she wanted to come down to meet them. " Yeah! I would love to meet them! " she said enthusiastically. We are now on our way down the stairs back to the adoption paper room. When we got there, they all smiled and waved. We waved back and went over and sat by Ms.Grant . " Kara, Selena, how would you feel about us adopting you?" Aaron said. Our jaws dropped. " You mean," " Yes. We want to adopt you!" I jumped into Aaron's arms. " OF COURSE, THANK YOU!! " I said kissing his cheek.

" Just sign here, and here. Now, who's name do you want them as? "  Ms. Grant asked. " Guys I think we should do carpenter, Aaron was the one that wanted to adopt them. What do you think? " Shawn asked Kara and I.
I looked at Kara. She gave me a face that read ' I like that' I gave her a face that read ' I do too'. We both yelled " YES!" At the same time. They all laughed. Ok Kara, and Selena carpenter it is. Aaron smiled at us. My two beautiful daughters. " we blushed and said thank you. " thanks ' dad' ." We said.

Aaron's pov
  I have two daughters.

I'm a father.

They called me 'dad' I love that.

I feel like I've made a difference now.

Now two kids who need beds will have them if they have to live here.
" Go pack your bags girls. Unless you don't want to come with us!" I winked at them. They said thank you, and walked out to go upstairs to pack their bags.

Song for this chapter: I don't want a girl who takes selfies want her makeup free, don't want no mean girl, lady in pink prom queen, I want a girl who climbs trees, always dirt on her jeans, her daddy taught her how to fix cars, maybe she can fix me. I want a throwback kid who loves missy Elliot, and for my birthday makes a mixtape and puts it on cassette, want a girl with common sense who's dripping in competence, don't want to die rich, but she love fifty cent.
Trust fund baby, by why don't we.
ok so I learned all the lyrics over a few days, so I'm not sure if it's throwback kid or Something else..... Sorry. ( baby I'm sorry I'm not sorry..... Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than just your body) That's pretty much it  for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I worked pretty hard on it so... If you liked this chapter, pls vote! If you didn't, please vote! Lol jk do whatever you want.  READ THE NEXT CHAPTER ITS WHEN THEY GO HOME! or don't, you know. That works too. If you don't enjoy this chapter or story, I'm sorry. If there's any mistakes I made, or anything, just point them out and comment on them and I will fix them. Don't worry it won't upset me 😘Ly
guyssss <33 quick question, what's your favorite emoji? Mine is the thinking emoji! 🤔🤔🤔 idk if it will show up here but there it is anyway.PEACE PEEPS🤘🏻

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