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Shawn's pov.
  Aaron has two daughters! I always knew he would be such a good dad, and now he is. I'm really happy for him. You can see the happiness on his face, the excitement of having two kids. I walked over to him. " So," He cut me off " I'm a father." He turned around, put his hands on my shoulders, looked me in my eyes, and said " I'm a Dad Shawn. The father of two beautiful girls. "

He looked so happy.

" I know! What do you think about that? " I asked. " I, " he paused. " I love it. I'm a real life dad Shawn! I'll have to go to school to pick them up, I'll play games with them, go to stores, but stuff for them, buy clothes and other necessities. IM A DAD! " he yelled. " Aaron! ". I laughed. " Calm down bro! I know you're excited but dude. Try to hold it in till we at least get outside! " I said, still laughing. " Ok. Ok. " He said, smiling. " thanks Shawn. " he said. " No problemo bud. " I said, giving him a smile.

A/n I HOPED YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER!! I know I did 😁 thanks for reading. Sorry this was such a long chapter.



Selena's pov
  I can't believe I'm getting adopted. I didn't stay here in the adoption center very long. But hey, I'm not complaining! I wrote the address of the adoption home down on a piece of paper so that I can send my other friends letters, then text them and call when they get phones. Maybe I can get my new family to buy them phones Ood  ( lol typo It was supposed to say ' if ' but that is too funny to take out 😂) they have enough money. I think I heard them talking about getting me all new clothes, period stuff ( which lemme just say, is going to be super awkward and I'm really looking forward to it. Note the sarcasm.)  , hair and makeup stuff, a phone, a laptop, speakers, and some Bose Bluetooth headphones. So if they can afford that, I'm sure that they can afford to buy them phones.

I walk out to the van with Kara and get in, and put my seatbelt on. I watched as Aaron, or I guess dad, and the rest of the boys got in and then Aaron looked at both of us and said, " Are you excited?"
I smiled and said yes.

" Do you know what a trampoline park is?" He asked. I shook my head.
" Kara, do you know?" He turned to her. She nodded. " I used to go to them all the time with my family.
He nodded and started driving.

Aaron's pov
I exchanged looks with the boys in the rearview mirror, and then started driving to sky zone.
I wanted to let my new daughters have fun on their first day ( and all of them!) at our house.

I turned onto the road and parked at the park. I heard Matthew and cam scream and rush to unbuckle.
Then I heard two doors slam and watched as they ran into the park.
I shook my head and got out, opening the back doors for the girls and the rest of the guys.

Kara's pov
I smiled at Aaron who opened the door for us. I stepped down and wrapped my arms around his legs and looked up at him.

" Thank you d-Dad"
He smiled and ruffled my hair.
" anything for my two beautiful girls."
I smiled and took his hand while walking in.

Selena's pov
After about two hours of jumping we drove to our new home.
I took my bag and looked at the huge house and dropped my jaw.
" this house is gigantic!" I exclaimed.
Aaron smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.
" it's home"

I smiled and walked in.
I widened my eyes at the sight of such a nice house that was so big. I thought of my aunt's house and bit my lip in attempt not to cry.

I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around me.

Aaron's pov
"Shh" I rubbed her back. "It's ok sel"
" let it all out"
I heard her break down and comforted her.
" You want something to eat?"
I asked and she nodded.
I picked her up and walked to the kitchen.
"Do you like Chinese?" I asked.
She nodded again and I heated up some orange chicken after setting her down at the table.
"Here." I set down a plate of orange chicken and also put down a fork and glass of water.
She took a bite and looked at me.
"This reminds me of the food my aunt used to make."
I smiled.
"Did she like to cook?"
She nodded.
I smiled and rubbed her arm.
" I do too." I softly said.
Kara came in and I made her a plate too.
" this is so good" she looked up at me with wide eyes.
" Finally someone acknowledges my good cooking!"
Cameron came in laughing.
" Nah your food sucks dude. I'm ordering pizza."
I rolled my eyes and ate some orange chicken too.

After dinner we just sat down and chilled on the sofa watching tv.
I looked over and saw that both Kara and Selena were asleep. I took them up to their rooms and put them in their beds and placed a kiss on their foreheads.
"Goodnight beauties."
I smiled and flicked off the lights and went to my own room and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

hi guys
So I found this chapter that I had worked on before and I finished it and I really hope you liked it :) i needed to put my new clothes away but was like
You know what screw it I'll just write

So here I am.



Thank you for being patient and for understanding! I seriously love you all so so much! Like I said before, I recently lost my aunt, which is where I got a lot of the inspo for this book. She was really special to me and I miss her so much but I'll be ok :) my grandma is 98 and I'm like whoa girl you're gettin up there! If you just lost someone, #1 in really sorry, and #2 it does get better I promise. For me, I miss my aunt a lot, but it takes knowing that she's in a better place and that it was time for her to leave, to have been okay. I really wish I got a picture with her but I am with all my other family members so that I don't regret not getting one. Anyway, like I said before, I promise it does get better. Like the wise dove chocolate wrapper once said, " endings are supposed to be happy. If you're sad, it's not the end."
It does get better even if it doesn't seem like it and if you feel like it's never going to get better, I promise you that it does and as Ethan Dolan once said ( I think it was him lol) " if you're not in a good spot it just means that there's happiness coming." Or something like that anyway. My advice is to just buckle your seat belt and ride through those bumps and make it to the good road. If you feel unhappy or depressed, it's like you're stuck in a forest. But keep going and eventually you'll find the exit to the forest and move on and everything will be ok again.
"You gotta take the risk and jump off the mountain. You're gonna fall and you might hit the rocks on the bottom and you're gonna lose some skin, and some blood, but you're gonna get up and be ok." ~Steve Harvey
I know I'm not quoting any of those right but they're close lol. I get a star for effort. Lol anyway. I promise it will get better eventually. I'm so sorry if you lost someone recently. It does hurt but wounds heal, even deep ones. They just take longer to heal. I love you all and Don't ever give up. You're worth it. To me, to your family, to lots of other people even if you don't realize it. Go be the beautiful Ray of sun in the middle of the storm. Be the biggest brightest sunflower in the garden. And don't forget, I love you, God loves you, and you have at least one person in your life that loves you, even if it doesn't seem like it. Again, hold on tight, barrel through, and eventually everything will be ok.
Anyway... Enough about my life story,
Love you a lot and I hope you enjoyed this chapter somewhat. Leave a vote and maybe a comment! If you want to. If you don't, that's ok I guess. Lol do whatever you want I love you all.i honestly wonder if the authors note was as long as the chapter. Lol sorry for that. I hope it helped even a little. Again, love you all so so so so so so much!!
See you next chapter.

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