Volume I Complete - Message from the Author

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Deathsworn Volume I is DONE. If you've ventured this far on the journey then hearty thanks, I'll be sure to tell Letta to put you an ale aside when I next pass Endholm.

As for Bard and the Gallowmen? I'm sure you're aware by now that our friend fortunately has a head every bit as thick as his endearing recklessness is forthcoming. The Burned Priests yet hold a list, however, and to be Deathsworn is to sacrifice any notion of tranquility until that list is complete.

For those who enjoyed the first volume, you're in luck. In total, there will be IV volumes of Deathsworn, leading all the way up to the beginning of the trilogy I'm writing for publication (set some four years after the events that occurred at Hammar in Volume I).

My quest for feedback is infinite, so if you haven't already then please leave a review and or comments regarding your thoughts. If I've managed to keep your attention for the entire ride then I'd love to know how, why. Deathsworn Volume II is OUT NOW, see the next chapter for a little teaser! To ensure you're up to speed, follow me to get updates for the second book (if you like the first) :)

For now, from Bard, Bodkin, Taaj, Tall Toyne, Weasel and myself, farewell, friends. See you in the Island Kingdoms.

Michael Panter 

Michael Panter 

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