Chapter 2

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I woke up early anxious for school. I am really not a dork, I just have been to private school all my life and I was ready to see what it's like with public school. I walked into my bathroom and hopped in the shower. I grabbed some shampoo from the shelf in the shower, and lathered it through my hair. I really loved the feel of water on my body. When I got the shower I decided to put effort into myself today. I combed my hair out and styled it with a half up, half down look.

As I walked into the closet I slid on a pair of silk panties , and found a black Bob Marley sweater and wiggled it on. I slipped on a pair of skinny jeans, and found some socks not checking to see if they matched. I put on the chestnut uggs from last night and looked at myself in the floor length mirror in my room. I walked over to the make-up vanity in the bathroom and put eyeliner and mascara on. That's usually the most I'll do. I found my nerd glasses and put them on and looked at myself.

"Ahmi! Breakfast is ready!" I heard my dad say.

"Coming!" I said as I grabbed my phone. beats, charger, and satchel and headed to the kitchen. I was really excited about school and to see what it was like. I walked in and saw bagels with strawberry cream cheese and orange juice. One of my breakfast favorites. I grabbed one covering it up with the cream cheese and devoured it.

"You ready? I'll be taking you to school today." My dad said as he was trying to adjust his tie and pick up his brief case.

"Yeah!" I said as I pushed the elevator button waiting for it. It amazes me how the elevator leads straight up here. But can't anybody just walk in here then if it leads straight to the house? I guess my dad knew what I was thinking because when we got into the elevator he begin to answer my exact question.

"You see that camera right there," he pointed to a camera in the corner of the elevator," If it's me, you, or My'Len they let us access the floor anybody else they send to the floor below us, but if it's visitors they call and then we view the camera footage and okay it." He said looking at me smiling. I felt safe knowing that nobody could make their way up here without our permission.

We got to the lobby and walked up to the front desk approaching My'Len.

"Good Morning Ahmi and Brent!" She said as she smiled at us both. We didn't say anything back but nodded and smiled. I wondered why my dad left My'Len to give me a blue key chain with keys on it but I didn't pay much attention to it.

As we exited the building the valet service man pulled up with a white 2005 convertible beetle. I just looked at my dad in puzzle because it's kind of weird for him to be driving that around as a man.

"It's yours." He said as he gave me the same blue key chain with keys My'Len gave me. I completely forgot I left those upstairs.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much dad!" I said hugging and kissing him. I took the keys and got in and left the top up, it was pretty chilly. I looked at my dad and he smiled and waved as he began to walk to his car. I pulled off and drove to school.

As I pulled into the schools parking lot I took in the view of it. It look amazing, like there was more freedom here and the kids seemed nice. I got out the car and made my way to the building. As I walked in I walked past a group of people who just stared at me. But I kept walking I didn't really care.

"Aye shorty!" I heard a boy say as he slapped my butt. Exactly why I did not like having a big butt at all.

"Please don't do that shit, shorty" I said back to him mocking him. He looked at me and burst out laughing. I didn't know what was funny but I wanted to know what was.

"What's funny?" I said looking at him puzzled.

"You is, you stuck up bitch." He said laughing and holding his stomach. At this point his whole posse had been laughing and I was in complete rage. I smacked him across his face because who gets off disrespecting girls like that. By this time the laughter stopped and he looked at me like he was just as mad as I was. Before anything else could transpire I felt somebody pull me away.

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