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We, as humans, have always strived for peace and serenity.

To have a world perfectly crafted for our needs, our time. To have our lives fitted with convenience and perfection. When I tell you that we achieved it, you'd probably be happy. Except, we did it the only way we knew how, and based on our history on Earth, it was never the right way.

World War III was the height of our faults as humans. A war that shaped our future, defined our laws, but nearly destroyed us as a species. From the years 2035 until 2048, every nation on this planet fought for control. Power. Countries were left poor and the people went hungry. Many were driven mad because of it.

It wasn't until snow fell over the northern continents, blanketing fallen structures of once large cities, the remaining powers realized what they fought for was wrong. What good was power when there was no one left? Had they not learned anything from the blood spilled in the past?

The soldiers awoke early Christmas morning to find their war had ended. The remaining leaders stood together, united, and declared it best for every living soul on Earth to have peace. To be happy and free. There would be no more wars, no more armies. Just, as they called it, unity and equality.

It took ten years, but those who stood firm on their decision to end the war formed the Provincial Government. They brought together ideas from every part of the world, advancing technology further than anyone could ever dream. It wasn't long before a proper Utopia was within our grasp. Once that was achieved, all good followed. Crime, hate, racism—all the poor qualities we'd learned in history and passed on to our children, was gone. We were what we'd always dreamed we could be. From where we stood, we saw no end to our perfect existence.

Or, so we thought.



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