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Jimin's POV
None of us expected it to happen.

Jungkook's POV
My eyes shot open the minute the all to familiar burning sensation spread through my chest. My chest ached and my lungs grew weak. I made my way to the bathroom and Locked the door behind me. I lurched forward as the petals left my mouth. The pain in my chest increasing with every breath I took. I whimpered softly at the pain in my lungs. My bathroom felt as if it was closing in around me.

Dark blue petals fell from my lips. My throat burned as they spilled from my mouth. The rough edges scratching my throat. I coughed sharply and gasped for air. The flowers were blocking my air way. I felt constricted. Suddenly a small knock sounded.

"Kookie-ah?" My heart pained when I heard his voice. He couldn't know, not right now anyway. He was The reason I was in this state, but it was not his fault. More flowers built up in my throat, but I held them in.

"Yeah" I tried to sound normally but my voice was weak and hoarse from my throat being so raw.

"Are you okay? I heard you coughing and-"

"I'm fine, jimin hyung" I said again

Jimin sighed. "Alright, tell me if you need anything though okay?"

"Alright hyung"

I heard him close my door after that. My eyes became heavy. I laid down on the cold tile floor. Sweat covered my whole body, plastering my hair to my forehead.
Even though my head was begging for sleep my body would not comply. I felt as if the ceiling was crashing down on top of me. I couldn't stay in there any longer.

Slowly I stood up and made my way to my bed. I pulled the soft duvet over my body. My ceiling making the only audible nose in the room.

I tried closing my eyes but for an hour my coughs kept me awake. Just as fast as a coughing fit would end another would begin until I was practically gasping for air.

I felt a dip in my bed and a tug at the sheets. I opened my eyes and looked over.

"Jimin hyung? What are you doing" I could just make out his blonde hair and silhouette in the dark room.

"You sound in so much distress Jungkook-ah. I don't want you to be alone if you get another coughing fit" Hyung slowly closed his eyes as he finished his sentence.

I felt the flowers rise in my throat. I let out a choked cough. Jimin's eyes instantly opened, worry laced through them. I quickly sat up, throwing the duvet off of me, trying to catch my breath. The weird thing was I was just coughing but the flowers wouldn't come out.

Tears started to stream down my face. Jimin rubbed circles on my back.

"Jungkook-ah, do you need some water?" Jimin asked, his voice wavering.

I nodded and continued to cough. He disappeared for a few minutes and then came back. He handed me the glass of water. Between coughs I managed to drink most of the water. Slowly the coughing fit ended.

I panted and wheezed trying to get my oxygen back. Sobs taking over my body. I felt as if vines were wrapping around my lungs and chest squeezing tighter each time I breathed.

Jimin gently wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me back down. He laid the duvet over both of us. His lips barely grazing my ear. A blush filling my cheeks, The room was to dark for him to notice.

"Kookie-ah" jimin's voice was gentle and soft. "Take a deep breath okay, just breath"

I managed to get my breathing back after a few minutes of Jimin running his hand through my hair and whispering calming things into my ear.

I wrapped my arms around jimin's waist and buried my head in his chest. I felt the petals scratching at the back of my throat but I didn't care I needed his affection more than ever right now even if the reason I'm suffering is my love for him.

He tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. It was the first night in a month that I actually got good sleep.

I groaned when I felt the light hit my eyes.

"Jungkook ah" jimin's voice broke the silence. His voice was raspy and deep from just getting up himself. His morning voice was always my favorite. "Are you feeling better?"

I put on a fake smile. "Yes. Thank you Jimin Hyung"

Jimin smiled and nodded. His eyes becoming cute little crescents. I got up from the bed and immediately felt dizzy. I stumbled forward.

Jimin instinctively got up and helped steady me, gently griping my forearm and shoulder.

"Maybe you shouldn't practice today. Stay here and rest" Jimin suggested although I knew it wasn't a suggestion. It was a command.

I shook my head "I'm fine hyung. I just got up to fast is all" he let go of me and I grabbed a outfit and went into the bathroom to change.

I could jimin was hesitant to leave the room. He could tell I wasn't feeling myself right now, but he respected my privacy and left. I knew he'd have eyes on me all day.

As soon as I closed the door, my chest twisted in pain. A small
Whimper tried to escape my lips but I held it in. I coughed up a few petals. It wasn't as many as last time but still as painful.

I shakily looked at myself in the mirror. I looked sickly and pale. A slight tremble covered my body. The bags under my eyes evident.

The other members would sure notice the younger's sudden change in appearance.

I sighed and slowly changed my clothes into new ones. Today was not going to be fun.

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