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Jimin's POV
He wouldn't remember but it took them about 2 hours to remove the vines and the flowers from Jungkook's chest.
He wouldn't remember but it was the worst 2 hours of our lives sitting in that waiting room.
He wouldn't remember but we still had to clean up his flower petals in his room
He wouldn't remember but I love him and now because of my selfishness, it's too late.

That's the main point. He wouldn't remember.

Finally after 2 hours of waiting the doctor pulled us out of the waiting room.

"He's awake and I'm happy to report almost back to normal" the doctor gave us all a warm smile and showed us to jungkook's room. I stopped right outside as everyone else entered.

"Hyungs!" His cheery voice rang through the gloomy hospital hallway.

I choked back a sob and cupped my hand over my mouth trying to hush my sounds.

"Where's Jimim Hyung?" My heart stopped when he said my name.

Did he remember? Does he still love me? Did the surgery not work?

"Jungkook-ah, do you know why you're here"

"I passed out during practice remember? You guys are acting weird"

I was completely shocked, according to the doctor and every surgery ever done, Jungkook shouldn't remember who I am.

I could tell the others were just as shocked as I was.

"He's In the bathroom. He should
Be here any second"

I regained my composure and walked into the room. Half of me was afraid he'd start throwing up navy blue petals and blood again.

His cute little bunny smile spread across his lips.

"Jimin Hyung!"

"Jungkook-ah" I sighed happily. I was happy you remembered me don't get me wrong but I didn't know exactly what he remembered.

"Can we speak out in the hallway about Mr.Jeon's treatment"

We all nodded and followed the doctor out. As soon as I closed the sliding door to jungkook's room, the other members started talking.

"How does he remember?" Namjoon asked

"It seems as if his brain didn't respond to the full treatment. He won't get hanahaki again. He's cleared of it but he seems to remember Mr.Park and their memories. He should be find as of now. He shouldn't remember anything about the hanahaki. He may leave whenever you approve" the doctor gave us one last smile and walked down the hall.

Time went by quickly. It had been almost a year sense Jungkook's Hanahaki.

The surgery didn't change jungkook and I's friendship. It was different though. Jungkook was no longer flustered and nervous around me meaning he had lost all his romantic feelings toward me. He was more supportive as a friend now and not the nervous wreck he was before.

Jungkook's POV
"I don't know if you can hear me kookie-ah" It was Jimin's voice, What was this?

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything I said at the dorm. I never wanted this to happen. I never meant to hurt you" he sounded as if he was crying, Why was he crying? And why is he talking to me like he hurt me

"I'll never forgive myself for what I said to you kookie. You won't remember us and you won't remember that fight but I'll never forget the things I said and the look on your face" His crying became more violent

"I'm sorry I never said it. I love you with everything I am Jungkook. And I'm sorry it took me till now to realize it. I only stayed around tae so I wouldn't have to look at you anymore"

"Why Jimin" It was Yoongi

"Because I was afraid. I saw what was happening to you. I just didn't know it was something like this. I didn't know I could have possibly lost you due to my own stupidity. I couldn't lose someone so close to me. In the end I lost you anyway"

"Why did you say those things Jimin" It was Yoongi again.

"Because I was afraid of loving you" Jimin's sobs were violent and loud. "I was afraid of myself. I was so scared of losing you in rejecting that I pushed you away and now you won't even remember my name. I'm sorry I left you"

His name? Why would I forget my Hyungs name

"It's for the best Kookie-ah" Jimin was still crying "I would never be able to live with myself if you remembered all the pain I caused you. We'll make new memories. I love you Jungkook"

He loved me?...

"I'm sorry Jungkook-ah. But it's for the best. You won't remember your hanahaki after this is done and you won't remember Jimin or the feelings he gave you. I did this to protect you. We did this cause we love you" Yoongi's voice was the last thing I heard before it faded away.

I shot up in my bed, a small
Yell escaping my lips. I hoped my Hyungs wouldn't hear my sudden outburst. I wasn't in the mood to talk about the dream.

What had happened between Jimin and I? And why didn't I remember it?

There was no way that was real. Jimin would never love me. Even if it was real there's no way Jimin knew what he was saying. I'm just me. I'm just Jungkook.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my chin on my knee caps. I enjoyed the cool brisk air that my fan was supplying me.

Suddenly my door opened.

"Kookie-ah? Are you alright?" It was Jimin

"I'm alright Hyung. I just had a nightmare. I fumbled around with my sheets. Not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Do you want to talk about?" Jimin asked.

I shook my head and he nodded, he slowly started to shut the door.

"Hyung" I suddenly yelped

"Yes kookie-ah?"

"Will you sleep with me tonight. I don't want anymore nightmares" I said quietly, looking at the floor

"Yeah, of course" Jimin replied.

He made his way over to the bed. I scooted over and moved The duvet back to where he could slip under. He pulled it up to his chest.

I turned to my side. I felt Jimin shift closer to me and wrap
His arms around my torso protectively. A smile spread across my face and a light blush.

What if Jimin really did love me? I thought but I pushed the thought away and let sleep consume me

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