Alpha!Matt x Omega!Reader (Lemon)

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                                                                                        (Y/N)'s POV

You were on the couch with Matt watching Professor Why. Tom was out at a bar drinking, Edd was out shopping for cola and things that they need for the house, and who knows what the hell Tord is doing. He's probably buying hentai or something.

Anyways, I was sitting with the alpha, when I had suddenly felt really hot... Oh no..."H-hey Matt, I'm going t-to go use your bathroom real quickly is that o-okay?" I said, trying my hardest not to stutter. He looks at me for a moment and gives me a concerned look. I need to get away from him before he can smell me.

"Yeah, is something wrong?" he asked me with worry in his eyes.

"N-no everything is just f-fine. I promise. I-I'll be right back okay..." I quickly said before bolting to the bathroom. This is really really bad. They think I'm a beta...I can't just come out of nowhere and tell them 'Hey! I'm and omega'. I look in the mirror and my entire face is flushed. I can feel myself getting more slick thinking about the alpha himself...This has to be the heat talking...ugh I hate myself sometimes. My knees become weak and I collapse onto the bathroom floor...How is Matt going to react.

Matt's POV

That was kind of weird. She just left. Her face looked kind of red too. 'Wait...what's that smells really sweet, kind of like an omega when they're in heat, but (y/n) isn't an omega right? Wait a minute...There's no way...I should go check on here just in case...' I started to walk over into the bathroom to see if she was okay. As I had gotten closer, the smell was getting stronger yep...she's an omega alright. "(Y/N)? Are you okay in there?" I had asked her through the door.

"Y-yes! I'm Fine! you can l-leave now!" she said, trying not to stumble on her words.

"(Y/N)...You know I can smell you from out here? Right?" I told her. She let out a groan of frustration."Can you open the door please? I want to see if there is anyway I can help you with this..." I said to her. Oh no...I didn't mean help her like that. This ins't good. I'm going to have to control myself.

She hesitantly opened the door, looking at me with her legs crossed and a flushed face. She walked up to me and put her hands around my neck and gets closer to my face."(Y-Y/N)? What are you doing?!" I asked her surprised by her actions.

"Y-you said you wanted to help me r-right? Well here I am. I w-want you to help me Matt. I need your knot in me Matt..." she said to me with her eyes clouded with lust. Her face is getting closer to mine. A taste couldn't hurt...Right?

I closed the space between us, not being too rough with her, but with enough passion to slightly satisfy her. The kiss quickly became heated between us and the scent is starting to get to me. If I'm not careful, I might lose control. 

                                                                                                    (Y/N)'s POV

I can't do it...I need him now. I've been waiting to long for this...He licked my lower lip for an entrance and I gladly accepted letting him explore every inch of my mouth. We pulled away for air, leaving a string of saliva connected between us. I wrap my legs around him as he pins me against the wall. We start our make out session again. He started to grind against me which caused me to pull away to moan. He pulled me back into the kiss while still grinding against me.

"Matt...I need you" I said to him. I just can't take it anymore. "Take me to your room." He took me off of the wall and brought me into his room and tossed me onto his bed. Then he immediately jumped on top of me and pulled my shirt off and hesitantly looked at me for a moment. "What's the matter?" I asked him.

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