Chapter One: Applications and First Meetings

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Milly Harry was a Senior in college, a music major with an art minor, who decided to take a gap between her high school and college years. A fact that was coming back to bite her in the ass. She had to figure out how to juggle her dozen college classes, work three different jobs, and still manage to be 23 in the morning when she woke up. Milly was constantly tired and would space out during class frequently, focusing on lectures was a hard task when you'd been up all night stocking shelves and cleaning and trying to finish a World Lit paper on time for the deadline. She had mostly C's in her classes and was worried about what would happen if they should slip any lower than they already were. It wasn't that she was a bad student, she just did too many things and had too many things to take care of. It didn't help that she was in an entirely different country as well.

Milly had been an honour roll student, was in choir all the time, got offered a huge out-of-country scholarship to come and study at a college in Essex, United Kingdom. They even held her application and money until she wanted to come, after talking to them about her gap year. She couldn't let them and her parents and herself down and let everyone back in the states tell her that they knew this would happen. Milly had too much pride to let anyone tell her that they knew her better than she did, save her mother. So she found herself, still struggling with turning on the left side of the road, heading towards what she thought would be her downfall.

Milly had recently turned in an application to a local dance pub, hoping to maybe get a waitressing position, or something to that liking. She pulled into a parallel spot and parked, turning the car off and heading into the dark pub. Milly peeked around the corner of the open door and called out,

"Hello, anyone here?"

A very slim gentleman opened a door on the back wall, his thin hair styled back tight against his head and pinstriped pants looking more like candy sticks than legs. He smiled over at her as he approached her quickly.

"Good afternoon, you must be the new recruit, and you're Americana too."
"Pardon me?"

"Oh don't be modest, we've been needing new blood for some time now. Follow me, I'll show you around the place, my name's Joshua by the way."
Milly shook his hand, still a bit confused, but followed behind him anyways.

"So, here's the bar, and I remember you saying in your resume you've worked bars before so that'll help if you wind up on the bar. Pardon the pun."

He led her back to a dim room with too many brightly lit mirrors to begin to count, costumes and makeup littering the floor and countertops. It finally clicked in her head: he wanted her to dance, not barkeep.

"Excuse me, but will I be dancing?"

He nodded and smiled at her, clapping a hand on her shoulder firmly.

"Yep, that's how it works here, men keep and the ladies dance. You'll get to meet some of the girls tonight if you stay for the show, they're pretty accepting and around your age so I don't think they'll be mean."

Milly felt her face go pale as he sat her down in one of the big mirrors, looking at her reflection with her, playing with her hair a bit since she had left it down.

"Look at all your hair, you're like Havana Barbie."

She held in a giggle to remain somewhat stern as he turned her head from side to side.

"And your skin is very clean, they're gonna die when they see you!"

Milly looked at him in the mirror a bit at a loss for words.

"I'm so sorry, this is all happening really fast, when do I need to start working?"

Joshua looked at her and propped his head on his arm,

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