~ Chapter 1 ~

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== Hello! Im here to make a weird Lemon from one of my favorite Shows called Voltron.
The Two characters in this lemon are Keith & Lance.
Please Enjoy the lemon! and if not liked, or if you want me to change something, just comment down below. ==

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Warnings ~ Bad language, Spanish ~

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The Brown haired boy sits on his bed thinking about what to do about the love starting to grow
in his heart for only one person, A boy to be exact. That boy was the boy with the black mullet that Lance
always seemed to make fun of, yet Lance actually loved it, and would hate to see him cut it.

Lance just kept thinking about him over, over, and over, About everything he loved about him.

Lance soon snapped out of his daze to hear a knock on his door, "Yeah- Come in!" The Cuban boy said, wondering who was knocking "Uh, Dude! its locked" Says Pidge from behind the door "Está bien, voy para allá.." Lance would mumble to himself as he walked over to the door and unlock it.

"Damn, what have you been doing to make you lock the door?" Pidge would say in a jokingly way as she smiled. "oh uh" Lance says nervously, not knowing how to respond. Pidge would lean to the side to see inside his room, He then closed the door a little bit and blocked her veiw so she cant see inside. "Hey! Why cant I see? it dont look like anything special exept all the dirty cloths laying around.." Pidge says looking up at the tall boy.

"Because I like my privacy and for you to not snoop around" Lance said getting annoyed. "Ok, well whatever, breakfast is ready btw.." She says as she walked away, not being excited anymore. Lance groaned as he shut the door and walked over to the messy pile of cloths and started to looked through them, throwing all the cloths around. "there it is!" Lance says as he picks up a random shirt and puts it on, being shirtless before. He puts on a pair of jeans afterwards, does his hair, put on his shoes, and walked out the door.

As he walks out, he walks down to the cafeteria like place that lays inside the castle. Once he turns into the room where everyone was talking and laughing he hits his toe on the wall and screams, making everyone stop talking and turn towards Lance, He falls on the ground and holds his toe but then looks up at everyone to see they were looking at him.

" Fucking Idiot, cant even focus enough to pay attention to where your walking asswhipe" Keith says looking at Lance. Lance then gets up immediately and puts on his dumb flirting smirk and
points out to keith "Yeah~ Because I was to focused on you~" Lance says joking around but at the same time as if he meant it. Keith rolled his eyes as a small, light-ish pink blush spread across his face, not for lance, but because of the dumb Flirting techniques.

Lance walked over to the table and sat next to Keith as his eye bag's were visible. Hunk soon walks in with a tray full of breakfast foods, but made with Alien glop and other weird stuff. Hunk places the food on the table for them to eat, and in a split second they all start munching down.

• • Time-skip • •

Lance walked over to Keiths door and knocked on it, hoping that the black haired boy would answer, after about a minute he seen the door open with a Keith standing behind it with a annoyed type of face. "What the Fuck do you want Lance?" Says Keith as he rolled his eyes once again. "Um- Do you mind if I come in?" Lance says being nervous for what he was going to do. Keith groaned and opens the door, letting Lance in.
"Now what is it?" He says looking at him. Lance pushes Keith to the wall and gives him a quick peck on the lips.

"Dude?! What the fuck?!" Keith yelled being mad for what Lance had just done.
"Don't EVER do that again!" Says Keith again. Lance looks at him as he stood there, Embarrassed at fuck, he then ran out of the room and over back to his room, feeling the need to cry.

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= Thank you for Reading! I hoped you liked the first part of the story, I might make a Smut in the next chapter which will be tomorrow. Bya~!!!! =

》LANCE × KEITH ~ LEMON《Where stories live. Discover now