1 Meet the Team

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*Dezzie's POV*
"Beep beep beep" . I heard the sound of my alarm and my eyes shot open. I knew it was going to be a really great day. The first day of my S.H.I.E.L.D mentorship program. Finally I wouldn't be a freak anymore. I'd be accepted; a valuable member of something.

I guess I should explain. I am a mutant. That means I carry a rare gene called the x-gene that gives ordinary humans extraordinary gifts. You're probably wondering what I can do. That will have to wait.

Now, back to my day. I hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I went to my closet to pick out my outfit. What does one wear to meet a group of heroes?

*Marina's POV*
"Rina, wake up" my mom said as she shook me awake. "It's your first day today"."Oh right" I exclaimed, hopping excitedly out of bed. I really didn't want to be late. Not a good first impression. I hurried to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I was so exited. I would finally be around kids like me. Special ones.

I guess you want an explanation. I am a mutant. A few years ago, an intelligence organization called S.H.I.E.L.D asked me to join their mentorship program. I was really eager to join because I'd finally be around kids like me.

Anyways, I walked to my closet and picked out the clothes that I had laid out the night before. I slid the dress over my head and thought about how today would go.

*Aaron's POV*
"Move along, move along, like I know you do" went my radio alarm. I groaned and rolled out of bed. The song was still playing so i hit the snooze button. "Why do you have to play rock music in the morning" my sister yelled angrily from her bedroom doorway. "C'mon sis, where's the love" I ask her. She groaned and stormed (ha ha ha) down the hall.

I had set my alarm really early because I didn't want to be late for the S.H.I.E.L.D mentorship program, which starts today. Me and my sister, plus some other kids, get to learn from the avengers! Also we'll be surrounded by other mutant kids like us.

I walked into my bathroom and started brushing my teeth. Today was such a big day. What to wear? I hadn't decided so I started to look through my clothes.

*Eliza's POV*

" When all you need to be is strong, move along, move along like I know you do" went my brother's alarm clock. I was in my closet getting dressed. After I had pulled on my hi tops I went to the kitchen to get breakfast. "Why do you have to play rock music in the morning" I yelled. "C'mon sis, wheres the love" he asked. I groaned and walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

Today was a big day so I have to eat up. This was the first day of the S.H.I.E.L.D mentorship program, the only place where I have a chance to belong. I was determined to make it perfect. I grabbed a banana, peeled it, and started eating.

*Xavier's POV*

"Bip bip, bip bip" went my alarm. I had to make it come on really early (and really annoyingly) because today was the first day of the S.H.I.E.L.D mentorship program, which starts at nine. I usually sleep until almost noon.

I should explain myself I guess. I am homeschooled, and my dad doesn't like waking me up. Once I accidentally fell through the bed. Anyways, my dad only home-schools me. I have never been in a public or private school, or hung out with any other kids my age. My parents get really worried that I might be bullied by normal kids for being different. Special.

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