New Classmate

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"As you all know today's topic is ancient civilisations. You all going to tell me which civilisation you found the most interesting and why.............."

Miss Gia was talking but I was not really paying attention since I was distracted by the person sitting in front of me.

"Diva stop staring at the back of his head like that, you are going to burn a hole through his head otherwise!" this came from Shania who was sitting beside me.

"Why did he have to be in GP class with us? Couldn't he have chosen another class?!" I whispered angrily.

I didn't know why I was angry in the first place. The guy didn't do anything wrong to me.

It's because you find him attractive and hate the fact that he is with Vanessa Frost.....

"Okay," I sighed because it really wasn't his fault that he was distracting to me.

"Why are you glaring at him anyway? It's not like he bumped into you on purpose" said Shania.

"I don't know.....maybe it's my time of the month" I groaned.


"...........and don't forget that the essay is to be submitted by next week."

Finally the class was over and I could get the hell out of the classroom.

"Shania let's go, I need to go to the washroom."

I started dragging her along with me as soon as she finished packing her things.

"Excuse me!" said a deep and smooth voice from behind us, making me think of warm melted chocolate. I suddenly had the feeling that millions of butterflies had taken up residence in my belly.

I turned around and saw the guy who bumped into me earlier. He was staring at me with the same intensity as before, making me feel as if he could see all my secrets. I looked away feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny.

"Um......I just wanted to apologise for earlier when I bumped into you. I'm sorry I was not looking where I was going. It was entirely my fault."

My mouth almost dropped open since people usually associated to Vanessa did not apologise......EVER.

"Diva," Shania nudged me with her elbow and I realised that I was staring dumbly at the guy.

"'s okay. I was also not paying attention to where I was going." I gave him a small smile.

"Hi....I'm Ian by the way."

He said while offering his hand for a handshake. I looked at it for a second before shaking it.

"I'm Diva and this is Shania, my friend," I said smilingly.

"Hello," he said to Shania with a warm smile which he turned on me and asked "can you show the way to the physics lab since I'm new here?"

" why don't you go with Diva......she headed there actually," said Shania, ever the helpful one. "I will be on my way then Diva. Ian will accompany you."

She threw me a mischievous look before informing Ian "But first she needs to use the washroom. You wouldn't mind waiting for her, would you?"

"" he said giving me a small smile while I blushed furiously and groaned inwardly.

Physics class is going to be interesting.........


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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