The Meeting

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Just another boring day.

That was the thought in my mind as i stared at the gloomy sky.

As usual my chemistry teacher, Mr Bush was droning on and on about the structure of molecules and intermolecular forces.

And as expected my mind was elsewhere. More specifically; on the discussion we were going to have in General Paper class. It was on the importance of knowing about ancient civilisations.

It was a very interesting topic and i was very excited to get to it. I looked at my watch impatiently.

Two more minutes before the classs ends.


Shania was waiting for me outside as usual. She has been my bestfriend since kindergarten. We only had maths and english class together though as she didn't like science much. She was more of the artistic nature. She had long curly brown hair and coffee coloured eyes. She was wearing her usual outfit of jeans and a blouse.

"I love your dress Diva. You look very pretty." She said while grining at me. It has been two weeks now since she's been trying to make me drop my usual wear consisting of jeans, a sweater and sneakers. She says i need to look like young woman instead of a teenager.

Needless to say she is very persuasive.

"You took me shopping for this dress, remember? Actually you did not take me; you dragged me to the mall." I rolled my eyes at her but even i had to admit i looked good in the dress.

"Oh you loved every minute of it since at the end i bought ice cream for you. And you loved the dress that's why we bought it," she said scoffed at me.

"Okay girlfriend. I agree. Now let's go to the canteen I'm starving," I said to her.

"When are you not hungry?" She asked me laughingly.

Arm in arm off we went to the canteen, chatting about our schedules. She had business class after english class and i had physics class.

"What are your plans for the eve--"

I had my breath knocked out of me when i suddenly collided with someone. I looked up to apologize and froze.

Oh my god. He is so gorgeous.

My jaw almost dropped open. The guy had fair skin and messy brown hair which flopped on his forehead. He was about 5'9 with a lean frame. But it was his eyes that were the most captivating. They were whisky coloured with swirls of green in them. And they were staring right back at me, making feel as if they can see right through me. I dropped my gaze and backed away from him.

That's when my eyes landed on his companion. Vanessa Santos; Bitch personified.

And just like that i snapped out of my fascination because Vanessa Frost was the popular girl in school and she was always mean. In short she was a BITCH. According to me anyone associated to her was lacking in the brain department.

She opened her mouth to say something but i beat her to it.
"I'm very sorry. I was not looking where i was going." Then i grabbed Shania's hand and dragged her to the food counter.

"Diva, did you see the guy. He is sooo hot!" exclaimed Shania.

"Yes he is the hottest guy on campus but he is with Vanessa. So he obviously has no taste," I said rolling my eyes.

Shania stopped abruptly making me stumble. She turned wide eyes to me.

"What?" I asked wearily.

"Did you really say hottest guy on campus?"

"Yeah i did, why?" I asked frowning at her.

"Because he is the first guy you found hot in like forever."

"That's not true.......okay just a little bit. I mean i have celebrity crush."

"They don't count because everyone has at least one celebrity crush. And maybe the guy will drop Vanessa for you. Who knows?" she said jokingly to me.

"Shut up Shania. I don't have time for guys. I need to focus solely on my studies."

"Okay," she winked at me.

We took our food and went to our usual table and that's when noticed Vanessa and him sitting at the table next to ours.

I was just about to turn my head when my eyes met his and he gave me a slight smile.

Ohmygod! He smiled at me!

Calm down Diva. He probably thinks you are funny and is trying hard not to laugh at you!

Shut up subconscious!

Shania and I took our seats and started our lunch all the while chatting about anything and everything. And ignoring the guy.

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