Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

Where am I ? Why is it so dark in here ?  Holy shit am I dead?  .. oh no no I can't be dead I don't wanna be dead I wanna live I wanna spend my life with Camila and traveling I gotta  get out of here

I start walking but there seems to be no exit , how the fuck do I get out of here "hey do you need any help? " I turn around and see my memories from when I first met Camila and I helped her with her boxes

"She's a beautiful girl .. you did good babygirl " I turn around immediately at the sound of my mother's voice "MaMi ! " I say as I run into her arms , she wraps her arms around me holding me tightly against her chest .. I could hear her heartbeat

I look up at her and she wipes my tears away "where's dad ? " I asked her and she runs her hand through my hair "he's looking over Quinn, Rachel , And Camila right now .. they're worried about you, it was their prayers that brought me down to you " she says

"It's not your time Lauren .. you are gonna live a long happy life and I'm happy to say that you'll be spending it with her .. but for that to happen you have to wake up Lauren.. wake up Lauren " my mom's voice slowly starts to fade away and I struggle to open my eyes


Camila's POV

"Wake up Lauren .. please baby " I say holding her hand and siting next to her , Quinn and Rachel had gone to the cafeteria to get some food but I couldn't leave her side I didn't want her to wake up and think that she's alone

"Wake up Prince .." I whisper and I see that she's trying to open her eyes "that's it Lauren .. open your eyes baby " I say trying to encourage her , she opens her eyes "Camila ? " she says and I smile

"Yeah baby I'm here " I tell her and she smiles sleepily "did they catch him ?" She asks me and I nod "Quinn tackled him down before he could run.. we got him baby " I tell her, she's sighs as tears start streaming down her face I quickly go to her side and she lays her head on my shoulder

"It's okay baby , it's over Laur.. shh it's okay I'm here " I whisper and kiss her forehead as I start running my hand through her hair "what happened after..  I don't remember much I just remember you " she asks me

I look down at her "the paramedics came and brought you to the hospital.. they said you lost a lot of blood and  I knew you had hell half of it was on me.. they said that you needed blood and turns out not only am I your girlfriend I'm also your blood type" I say while laughing slightly and stretching out my arm to show her where my bandage was

She smiled and said  "so this time the princess saved the prince " I kissed her nose and smiled "yes the princess saved the prince " I say , she tries to lean up but hisses and immediately leans back down and puts her hand on her side where the bullet had entered

"Oh baby you have to be careful " I tell her "Lauren you're awake !" Quinn says rushing over to us and hugging Lauren "hey hey I need air you know " Lauren says laughing and hugging Quinn back

"Nice to see I'll get to annoy for another year Jauregui "  Rachel says as she hugs Lauren "good to see you're up Miss Jauregui " Lauren's Doctor says as he walks into the room

"now thankfully the bullet didn't hit anything major , you'll be sore for a couple of weeks and you'll have to apply a antibacterial cream everyday for two weeks twice a day " he says handing the prescription to Lauren "you'll be discharged soon " he says while walking out

I wrapped my arms around Lauren's neck and hugged her,  I was so afraid that we'd go home without her but thankfully we won't we'll go home together and she'll be safe

"Good to see you made it Miss Jauregui " detective Mendoza says walking into the room "Good Morning Detective " we say and he smiles "good news girls , we have him in custody and a judge who'd like to do the trial in a few days , does that sound good for all of you ? " he asks us

"Hell yeah .. the quicker the better " Rachel says already getting a bit mad at just the thought of Daniel "what's the highest penalty he could receive ?" Lauren asks him as she squeezes my hand

"Well since there is evidence that this was premeditated he could get the death penalty or life in person without chance of parole " he says and we all nod in understanding "I'm assuming we're leaning towards the death penalty?" He says unsure

Lauren looks up at Quinn "what do you think?" Lauren says "I want him to pay for everything he's done to her " Quinn says as her eyes water "I understand girls , don't worry he'll pay for his crimes " Detective Mendoza says before walking out

A few hours later

Lauren's POV

"Are you in any pain ? " Quinn asks me for the thousand time since we got to the hotel "I'm good Q , don't worry " I say reassuring her again "okay but if you are remember the doctor gave you some pain killers " she tells me and I nod

"Okay that shower is the best thing I've ever felt " Camz says coming out of the bathroom in a just a towel , I smile and check out my girlfriend.. damn she's fine "I'm gonna go test that out .. you coming baby " Rachel says smirking at Quinn

Quinn smiles and immediately follows Rachel to their room as Camila and I laugh "we're gonna need some earplugs " I say through my laughter "YEAH YOU ARE ! " Rachel yells from the other room Camila and I burst into laughter

Camila gets some of her clothes and starts walking to the closet "what are you doing?" I say "I gotta get dressed and I know for a fact you'd peek at me if I got dressed in front of you " she says and I nod "I would but can you blame me ? Look at yourself... you're too beautiful not to look at " I say smiling at her and making her blush

"I still got it " I say and she smiles as she rolls her eyes and walks into the closet I close my eyes and allow myself to relax since we got back from the hospital everyone hasn't been leaving me alone for too long

I feel the bed dip as Camila climbs in and lays her head on my chest listening to my heartbeat I wrap my arms around her and she starts to lazily draw hearts on my collar bone

We stay in silence for a bit just enjoying each other's company until Rachel's moans pops our little bubble "oh god " Camz says laughing and hiding her face in my neck and I laugh "she did tell us that we'd need earplugs " I say

"Apollo get MaMi her speaker" she says and Apollo gets up from his spot next to his brother opens her luggage with his snout , picks up her speaker , and brings it to us "holy shit .. when did you teach him that ? " I ask her amusingly

"I didn't, my dad taught him how to bring from a soda from the fridge and he just caught on " she says as we watch our dogs cuddle up with each other she turns on her speaker to drown out Rachel's moans

Slowly but surely Camila falls asleep , I kiss her forehead and follow her lead after such an exhausting day I am completely drained , I pull Camila closer and drifted off to sleep


Hello beautiful peoples! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of skater girl as always please let me know what you guys think  please don't forget to vote or comment I hope all of you have a nice night or morning  and I'll see you beautiful people in the next chapter of  skater girl 😘😘😘

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