Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

After Driving for 4 hours we finally arrived at our house in Tampa I haven't been in this house for a long time too many bad memories but since we can't stay at our uncle's house we had to stay here as Quinn parks her car I see lights on in the kitchen , Who else could be here ? "Hey Quinn are we the only one's here" I ask my sister as she turns off her car

"yeah that's what uncle Miguel said" ugh uncle Miguel he's the biggest liar in our family "Q you know he's a liar and we can't trust him " I say getting out of the car "baby can you get my bag for me" I ask Camz  as I get the bat I keep in Quinn's trunk "what the hell are you gonna do? " Rach says "we don't know who's in there so I'm bring my bat for protection" I state "alright got everything?" Quinn asked we just nod our heads and start walking to the house Quinn opens the door and I'm the first one to go in

" Lauren get your ass back here " Camz says trying to reach for me "Camz stop it" I say getting out of her reach "guys stay here Rach protect Camz " Quinn says as she comes behind me , Quinn and I walk towards the kitchen where we heard sounds coming from

Quinn and I hide behind the wall  "Hey Uncle Miguel it's Danny ! Thanks for giving me the key to dad's old place yeah I forgot how beautiful this place is " hearing that voice again makes my stomach drop Quinn notices how this makes me feel and takes my bat from me

"go back to the girls I got this" Quinn tells me but I can't move Quinn pushes me and I start walking away and straight to Camz's arms  "shh I got you baby " she tells me I can't feel my body I'm completely numb Camz takes me to Quinn's car and sits down with me

Quinn's POV

I hate seeing my little sister like this Danny can't stay here , I walk into the kitchen and he still hasn't noticed me so I cleared my throat making him turn around he smiles "oh my god Quinnie " he says walking towards me but my hands up and stop him "don't ever call me that again " I say

He backs up "what are you doing here Quinn and where's Lauren ?" He asked  "That's none of your business " I say "what are you jealous that I did it with her and not you" he says smiling I'm completely disgusted "get out of here Danny before I call the cops " I say "oh I'm so scared of my little sister" he said "half sister , I'd hate be completely related to you" I say

"Oh little Quinnie has grown up and you know I wouldn't mind showing you a good time" he says smirking "oh hell no you didn't just say that to my girlfriend you piece of shit" Rachel says walking into the kitchen " oh Quinn why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend I'd fuck her too" he say

Just as I was gonna open my mouth two officers came in and handcuffed  Danny "I'll see you guys tomorrow" he says winking while being pulled out of the house "where are the girls?" I ask rach "Camz took Lauren to your car " she says and I run outside to see my baby sister "hey L it's okay he's gone " I say as Lauren crys onto my shoulder

Lauren finally stops crying and we head inside I'm completely ready for bed

Camila's POV

Lauren and I are laying in bed I'm completely dead this day as been a rollercoaster ride  "Camz ?" I turn to my side and face Lauren " yeah baby?" I say " can you hold me?" She asked me  I smile and kiss her nose "you don't even need to ask baby" I say bringing her body closer to mine and holding her "goodnight my Prince " I say "goodnight my Princess" she says before closing her beautiful eyes and falling into a deep sleep myself following soon after...


Ello Beautiful Human Beings! I hope you enjoyed this chapter Of Skater Girl ! As always my beautiful readers I love you and hope you have a great Day/Night please let me know what you think ! And I'll see you in the next chapter ! ;*

Skater Girl  • Camren 💜Where stories live. Discover now