Chapter 2

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I slowly entered the school, my hands slightly shaking. I received a few glares by a bunch of people and I already knew I was doing it in the wrong way. I closed my eyes for seconds that seemed hours, willing to act as normal as I could.

"You can do it, they're just people like you" i said to myself. I opened back my eyes and my hands were no longer shaking. I smiled to myself, happy for those little progresses. I started to walk, faster than before, but my head was still bowed and the only thing I could see was the pavement.

I surprisingly found the class of my first period, which happened to be English and on the ground floor. I sat on the wooden old chair and it made an odd noise. I jumped a little, I didn't expect it. "Yeah, chairs are pretty old here" a voice said.

I turned my head, revealing a black haired girl seated not far from where I was standing. Her long hair was mostly laid on her shoulder, and her eyes were running from a line to another of the book she was reading: The Great Gatsby. Good choice, I thought.

"I like that one" I said pointing the book she was holding. She looked up to me and nodded, placing her eyes back on the yellowish papers. I bit my lips, not knowing what to say. The bell rang and the class was soon full of students in search of their seats.

The desk next to mine made the same odd noise, a boy with blonde hair and apparently blue eyes laid back on the chair, making himself comfortable as much as he could. He noticed I was looking at him, well, almost staring, and he showed me a friendly smile.

The lesson wasn't as bad as I thought I would be but I felt uncomfortable around all the students. "Pss," the boy next to me whispered. "Do you have a spare pen?" He asked. I nodded, opening my pencil case and handing him a black pen. "Thank you" he smiled.

"No problem," I smiled back. As the teacher spoke, I found myself even more interested. I took notes because I didn't know what else to do but apparently, other students were playing some stupid games on their phones.

I stood up as the bell rang, I took my backpack and put it on my right shoulder. "By the way, I'm Rebecca, but you can call me Becca" the black haired girl from earlier said.

"I'm J-" I started saying but I soon remembered my dad's words. "From now on your name will be Leigh". "I'm Leigh" I smiled, well, I tried. I was, for the first time in my life, making friends and I was already lying. I felt nothing but bad.

"What's your next class?" She asked curiously. "Physics" I answered as we made our way out of the class.

Her face assumed a disgusted expression, "Ew sorry I just hate that subject" she laughed. I shook my head, "I'm not a fan of physics too"

"What's your next class?" I asked. She stopped for a second, "Biology" she answered rolling her eyes. Guess she wasn't a fan of biology either.

I nodded, "I should really go now, see you later?" I asked, noticing I was walking in another direction. She nodded and I quickly waved her a goodbye.

I still didn't get why my dad decided to change my name: I couldn't stand it. For all my life he called me by my real name, why would he suddenly change it? But, although I was mad at it, I could not show it. God only knew what could've happened.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice I bumped into something or better, someone. "Oh god I'm so sorry!" I covered my mouth looking at mess I did. The boy bended down and took my notebook that fell on the pavement .

He handed me it and I grabbed it, "sorry I wasn't really paying attention at-" I said it the guy interrupted me. "it's okay, really" he let go a laughter.

A sigh of relief escaped from my mouth and it was then that I noticed I was holding my breath. "You okay?" he asked raising his eyebrow. "yeah but I need to go now.. Sorry, again" I shook my head smiling. Geez I was such a mess.

It was now lunch, my favourite part of the day. Well, I loved eating. There were groups of boy and girl who were having their lunch together, others that were eating by theirselves. I bit my lip, looking from table to table searching for Becca, or maybe the guy I borrowed a pen. But nothing.

I snorted, rolling my eyes. I ate my lunch as quick as I could and decided to go outside for... Well, exploring the school. I adjusted the backpack which was slowly falling on the ground, and I kept walking.

Once I was outside, I sat on the grass. My mom loved and respected nature and I did too. Nature was such a beautiful thing, but of course, man was destroying it. I leaned my head back on the trunk of the big tree and I closed my eyes.

I inhaled the fresh the air and, even though the weather wasn't one of the best, my body became warm.

"everything's okay?" someone asked. I opened my eyes as I jumped on the grass. God if he didn't scare me. He laughed for my reaction, but his expression came back normal when he saw my confused face.

"didn't mean to scare you but you must admit it was wonderful" he laughed again. He was short, yet taller than me. His brown curls were gently resting on his forehead and I could see the dimples on his cheeks when he laughed.

"I'm okay," I answered his first question. He sat next to me, putting a hand on the pocket of his black leather jacket. He brought out a pack of sigarette, and I watched him silently as he lit one up, and how the grey smoke came out of his mouth.

He moved the cigarette, as if he wanted to ask me if I wanted to smoke and I shook my head. It was actually the first time someone was smoking right next to me, neither did my father.  However, I wanted to try it so badly, but that meant going against my dad and I wasn't looking forward it.

"I've never smoked" I admitted. His eyes widened, and I just shrugged. "Where are you from?" he questioned, Of course he noticed my accent. I mean, it was pretty different from the London one. I bit my lips, "America" I responded.

He nodded, and I carefully watched his movements. "Sure you don't wanna try?" he laughed, showing his dimples even more. "Not now" I replied.

We stayed in silence for some minutes and, as cliche as it sounds, it was comfortable or at least that's what I thought. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. We stood up and watched each other's eyes for seconds,

"see you tomorrow?" he asked, the exact phrase I was hoping to hear.

I nodded smiling widely, "see you tomorrow"

so umh, let's pretend brad is from London :) . He should be a bad boy but I just can't picture him as one. How can a boy face cute like his, be a badass? PLUS LETS PRETEND HES TALL BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW HES A SMOL BEAN :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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